How to Stay Calm in Difficult Situations ( And Keep Doing Your Work)

Bring it on…

Yash Sharma
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

Life is suffering.

Every day is a new challenge. And you can’t afford to give up daily. You’ve dreams to conquer. Don’t you?

So, what’s the solution? How can you handle a crisis with a calm mind and keep doing your job? You need to build thicker skin to tackle the odds. You can’t sit and wish things to get better. You’ve to face the demons with your head high, fail, and go again.

In this blog, I’ll help you with the 2 steps process to stay calm and keep doing your job even if it hurts.

Learn to think rational

This is the hardest skill one can master.

How do you think straight? when you’re fucked up, your rent is late, and feel like giving up.

However, it’s the only way to beat the odds. For instance, you set a goal to hit the gym 6 days a week. One day, you come home, you’re tired and have no energy. But anyhow, you pause and ask — what will happen if I skip the gym? Can I able to sleep well? Will I build my dream physique? No.

And when your mind gets exposed to consequences, you’re ready to dominate the session. So, when something comes up, think straight. Pause and ask yourself questions that pump you to get the shit done.

As you manage to think rationally, but still, there is a voice at the back of your head — You can’t. Go to bed.

So, to handle that:

Take instant action

You’re out of the zone because you are thinking and making decisions.

When I embraced the 4:00 am club, one of the key tools I used was minimizing the time between thinking and doing. When my alarm rang, I was up prepping myself for the day. It helps my mind to get busy with the important stuff.

So, I’m telling you — if you want to manage the demons — take instant action. Because whatever you put your mind into expands. Now, the choice is yours, what do you want to grow? Your shit or yourself?

I hope you choose wisely



Yash Sharma
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.