I don’t like dark mode on my phone

How to Turn the Thesis and Convince Something is Good For You

Danijel Crncec
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJun 23, 2023


Mobile phones industry and the power of PR and some more ranting

Twenty years ago, I used a simple Ericsson phone. I charged it once a week (usually Monday when I arrived at the office). Today such phones are back on the market, targeting users who want their phones for calls and messages.

Stolen from the Internet (free usage, I checked; twice)

Then blah blah blah, smartphones, different operating systems, and larger screens appeared. Screens became ridiculously big (up to seven inches, I checked today). I am OK with a large screen. It comforts me when replying to emails (private ones, I do not use business mail on my phone; I even check business mail only twice a day, on weekdays and not at all during the weekend).

I also use my phone as a camera a few times daily (no, I do not make dozens of silly photos daily).

With a bigger screen, the problem appeared — battery life. Okay, that is normal.

Then OLED displays appeared on phones. They are gorgeous to look at and have one specific thing. Pixels that are turned off do not consume battery.

Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

And what phone producers introduced us? Dark mode. They also had arguments like “easy on your eyes” (not valid), this, and that. The absolute truth is they only taught about battery life and how to lie to users. I am okay with that, but let us make a simple analogy. I don’t think any car maker would suggest turning off your combustion engine when driving downhill.

The other day I turned off dark mode. Now I enjoy how applications look and are easy to consume the content (medium.com), for example.

Of course, the battery can still endure the day without any problems. Two days. Superfine.

One more thing.

It allegedly leaks information about phones that are still not on the market. Does anyone believe that? Okay, Apple is hiding what they are developing. Remember when Steve Jobs introduced transition on the Intel platform? It happened that on that exact day, I read “Apple Confidential 2.0,” there is an actual satellite photograph of the original building where they tried that — and dismissed the project. Same thing Apple did with the Apple Silicon platform.

But come on, every crappy phone made by Samsung, Xiaomi, Sony, and other companies leaks out every detail. Get real. It is not possible.

If I am missing something and cannot understand why they cannot tell us a timeline, that’s it. Super simple. I might be stupid. What they are doing is damage (I am brand agnostic, I will buy what I need, not what they think I need). Do I need a 200 mpix camera? I don’t think so. The array of 7 cameras and million gigabytes of storage? Not likely. I need security, reliability, and longevity. Nothing more. A few years ago, I bought a flagship with Android 6. Do you know how many major updates the company made? Zero. Nada. Zilch. *Lenovo Phab 2 Pro, by the way.

I got my companies of choice. I use exclusively laptops (Surface Laptops (Laptops, not Tabs) and Apple MacBooks Pro). I have no clue how much memory I got; I don’t know which processor have; I know that drive is 1 TB on the machine I am typing this on, and the drive is 7 percent occupied with the operating system and apps (93 percent empty, to be more precise).

But it has two dealbreakers for me: a beautiful large sixteen inches display and an excellent keyboard. Oh yes, and it is (at least supposed to be) super secure.

Follow me for more rants. :)



Danijel Crncec
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Writing, ranting, reading, having fun; all the time. I don't care about rules or deadlines. I express myself the way I want. I write ransom notes for money.