How to Write Evergreen Content That Can Bring You Daily Revenue

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Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readMar 27, 2023


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Ah, the elusive evergreen article. It’s like the Loch Ness monster of the blogging world. You’ve heard rumors of its existence but you’re not quite sure how to catch it. Well, fear not my friend for I am here to guide you through the mystical world of evergreen content.

The first thing that you must know is what the heck is an evergreen article? It’s like a superhero article that never dies. It remains relevant and useful long after it’s been published like the Energizer bunny on steroids. It’s not tied to a specific event or time period so it can continue to attract readers for years to come. Think of it like a beautiful timeless tree that never loses its leaves ( hence the term “evergreen”).

Now onto the important stuff, how the heck do you write one of these bad boys? Here are some tips and personal experiences to help you out:

Choose a Timeless Topic :

This is key You want to pick a subject that will still be relevant years from now.

For example, I once wrote an evergreen article on my own website “How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse” (because let’s face it zombies will never go out of style). The article was packed with survival tips that could be applied to any disaster situation, not just a zombie outbreak. Here…

