How You Can Beat chatGPT if You are a Copywriter

Dipankar Dutta
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readMar 22, 2023

Do this one thing to go up the value chain

Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash

Of late, social media is rife with speculation about whether we are going to see a world where human communications are taken over by artificial intelligence (AI).

There are already two sides to the arguments, and many are taking sides one way or the other.

Although it is somewhat difficult to objectively look at the future, let us try to understand whether copywriters are going to be terminated.

Well, are copywriters in grave danger?

Avoid Predicting the Future

I remember everyone predicted that our roads will be full of driverless cars and human drivers will be completely redundant.

Social media influencers, tech commentators, and all and sundry clairvoyants were gung-ho about cars that do not need drivers.

You just say where you want to go and the car would take you.

This is not the only prediction that failed to come true.

There are many others.

For example, almost all conventional retail store owners thought that e-commerce will never be mainstream. Nobody thought telephones will be so big when they were first introduced.

And cars were frowned upon and horse-drawn carriages were still preferred, even when cars had many obvious advantages.

I have a valid reason to believe that businesses will start to value copywriters much more once the novelty impact of chatGPT wears off.

Can chatGPT Just Do It?

I thought of testing how chatGPT can produce a brand tagline.

It should be different.

It should be different from its competitors. I told it who their competitors are and what their slogans are.

It should appeal to human emotions.

It should position the brand differently from its competitors.

It should find a market gap, real or perceived.

In short, I told it to come up with a tagline for a new footwear company similar to Nike.

You can try it now, and you will be surprised by the result.

What a Disappointment!

I thought chatGPT would come up with something I can refine further.

Maybe not something astounding, but something different.

It is just 3 words, after all.

Of course, they are extremely powerful 3 words.

More powerful than 100, or even 1000 words.

But chatGPT disappointed me.

It failed to come up with anything.

I will hire a copywriter any day.

ChatGPT is a Robot After All

You must remember that chatGPT is a robot and you have a distinct advantage over it.

Even chatGPT accepts that.

I have asked what it will never be able to do.

The answer did not surprise me.

It clarified that it will never be able to understand human emotions and social cues.

If you are a copywriter, you are far ahead of chatGPT precisely in these. You are actually a marketer and marketing is largely influencing human decision-making.

To achieve that, your most potent, most effective weapon is understanding human emotions and social cues.

An AI can never beat you.

You Need to Think Harder

If you are just dishing out predictable copy without much thinking, then the AI is coming after you.

You can beat it by using the only advantage you have — your ability to understand human emotions, human biases and perceptions, market gaps and positioning of competitive products, and the ability to come up with something different.

Your ability to create a new dialogue.

Discover a new value proposition.

You must think more as a CMO rather than a copywriter.

You need to be proactive. The AI can only do what you tell it to do.

But you need not.

You can tell your story.

But chatGPT can Help

However, chatGPT can be of tremendous help to copywriters.

It can help with research, and even come up with a decent website or email copy.

This can help you overcome writer’s block and get down to business fast. AI can boost your productivity in many ways.

Consider chatGPT as your assistant rather than your boss.

Stop Writing Copy

It is high time we copywriters stop writing ‘copy’ and focus on communications that will appeal to the hearts of the audience.

Focus on unique brand voices.

Think like a CMO — this is the one thing that will make you invincible.

Challenge our minds to create something new and never be trapped by frameworks and ‘how it is always done.’

Focus on uncovering new opportunities in the market, working on the prospects’ needs, emotions, objections, and fears.

You have a world to conquer.

An AI cannot think as much as you.

As long as you don’t stop thinking, you will always win.

A robot can never replace you.



Dipankar Dutta
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I write on copywriting, marketing, personal finance, health, travel to make your life better.