I Am….?

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJan 29, 2024
Source: Amritapuri. Org

It was a sunny day, which was perfect for window shopping, I would say. So me and one of my friends went ahead with the plan. As we were returning, I saw a man on the streets throwing his hands in the air and blabbering loudly, whereas there was no one around. In short, we call such people maniacs. The sight of that man remained in my mind for a while. After some contemplation, I realised that we are alike, the man on the street and us.

Just go through your day, how many times have you spoken to yourself in your mind? Fought yourself, apologized to someone, confessed to someone all in mind. It’s probable that you have had multiple reruns of the same event in your mind repeatedly.

Some of us are one step ahead, we talk in hushed tones to an invisible person. We argue with that imaginary person, smile, and some even raise their hand and move forward, while others have to snap them out of it.
What is the distinction between the two? One person is on the street while another is living in a luxurious house surrounded by family and other amenities.

Both are enslaved by the mind. Very few notice this and try to change. Mind you, it’s a lifelong practice and not a one-time thing.

The second thought that came to my mind is that we are afraid of being alone. The moment you sit for two minutes with no distraction, you start feeling restless and reach out to mobile phones, or people or any other distraction. Doesn’t it mean you are scared of being alone. What will happen if you sit without any intention, without the thought of past or future or any other thing, I certainly don’t think the world will collapse.

Just for half hour sit down and do nothing, just watch your mind. Don’t start thinking and let the thoughts flow and don’t identify with them as you are not your mind.

Your mind is just stories. All your friends live there, all your enemies live there. It’s a graveyard and I don’t think you would want to visit graveyard again and again.

Let’s just think it this way, do you know who are you. You leave your body and mind here when you die, so who are you?

