I Hate This Feeling

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

You can’t gain weight with just one meal, it’s the weekends, after all, tomorrow you will be more disciplined.

Tomorrow you will eat less to make up for today. It’s fine.

I know this voice all too well.

They are right, however.

They are right, you can’t gain weight by eating 5 cheesecakes tonight. No.

But, same way you cannot lose weight by following a diet for one day, or doing a workout one day.

Heck no!

Therefore it really really matters what you do every day.

But it’s hard, you start and then you slack.

You ate a light portion yesterday, drank 16 cups of water yesterday, you did the workout.

And today, you are binge-watching a show on Netflix while munching on your order (a bucket of chicken Tikka Masal with 2 mac cheeseburgers and a big Coke — You just had 3 cupcakes 30 minutes ago)

You skip the workout. You get up to pick up the call, you feel like you are a fat ass, you hate it, you hate the feeling and ultimately you conclude that something is coherently wrong with you.

Why am I like this????

It is not just you, it is everyone, it is everyone who tries to change.

You can change. You will change.

It takes time, to form a good habit takes time. To change your lifestyle takes time.

You don’t decide to change and you make all the changes overnight.

You have to keep moving, sometimes you would fall, and when you do get back up.

Don’t look at yourself as a pity party. You are your coach you are responsible if you lose the game.

Losing a few games ain’t the end, just keep playing. Keep trying, keep learning, keep improving, keep on.

Remember it is what you do today that matters not what you did yesterday.

The pain you went through yesterday would mean nothing if you didn’t do it today and the day after.

So go do it.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Hi! My name is Smiang. My mantra is "Either write something that's worth reading, or do something that's worth writing about"