Hello again

I May Be Stupid

Why? Just…why?

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


That’s it. That’s the whole point of this blog. (kind of) Image Source

Did I need to write a whole blog about this? Probably not. This is way too personal to be helpful; it’s a ploy for procrastination. Either way, I want to keep you all updated.

Here I am, back from another month-long break from this platform. I was doing pretty well with consistency, too! I made a whole schedule and everything!

However, finals came and kicked me in the ass. Then everyone came over for the holidays, I got distracted by building a massive structure in Minecraft, and now school is back and kicking my ass. Again.

I was just sitting down, wondering why I keep taking all these breaks from Medium even though it makes me feel so good. It felt like I had a lot more free time last year!

Then I remembered three things:

  1. I didn’t have an inconsistent blog last year, so of course it felt like I had more free time!
  2. There was no way of knowing I would create one, so I didn’t take that into account for the workload (plus I was kind of a workaholic, but that’s a story for another day)
  3. While disregarding all things but GPA, I decided to take all available honors courses, as well as one AP.

Yep. Other than a free period and a couple of electives, I am taking all honors, and I hadn’t realized the effects it’s had on me until now.

Despite being in so many honors classes, I’m an idiot.

Why would I do that?! Why would anyone do that?! They shouldn’t let students do this!

I was going to do some service for Martin Luther King, Jr. day, but had way too much homework to even consider it. As mentioned before, procrastination is part of what’s motivating this blog!

And all I can think about is that one meme with the guy having the Revelation of Stupidity, as posted above. That is exactly what is happening right now. I wish I was exaggerating.

I’ve made promises of consistency before. You could probably look at my home page and find one within five seconds!

But now I know that thanks to last year’s Julianna, my schedule is a bit fucked at the moment. I’m not going to make any more empty promises, but I am going to find new ways to balance out my schedule.

I’ll be able to spend more time on the platform, interacting with fellow writers, and hopefully taking their advice to get better at writing.

And my god, this school year (however busy) has made for a lot of good writing ideas and stories to share! Get excited!

So, yeah. This really didn’t have a point, and it certainly wasn’t my best writing, but that makes me all the more grateful for those of you that read to the end. Thank you so much, and have a good day! :)



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a young writer here to improve my skills and support the community | Still trying to find my "writer's voice", but having fun along the way