I Want to Thank Donald Trump

Hear me out…

Rachel D Adams
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


The look I’m probably getting from most people who read the title. It’s like smelling a fart, and not being sure who to blame it on. Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

People who know me know I despise 45. For the longest time, I didn’t want to even acknowledge he existed. Unfortunately, he was the type of president that made sure everyone knew he existed.

Apparently, that’s what narcissists do….?

Because of people being emboldened by Trump’s style of power plays and chest-beating, white people got to see clearly the bullshit that people of color, especially black people, have put up with from cops and racists.

Thanks to him giving permission to assholes, trolls, racists, and bigots to be their authentic selves — we now know about all of you motherfuckers. No more hiding!

I admit to having a blind spot for a lot of police officers for much of my life. Why? My daddy was Chief Deputy of our county for over 22 years and then a night sergeant for the local town before retiring. I grew up around cops, DAs, judges, and so much more. I even knew the trustees at our county jail by name. Because I grew up around all of that, I had a love for all people in blue. I also gave everyone the benefit of the doubt and second chances.

So when things started coming out about police officers, I didn’t want to believe it. Then, I saw it for myself in the early 2000s. I saw police help a group of Christians drive a local pagan coven…



Rachel D Adams
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

(she/her/pan) I’m not a well-behaved woman. I am an ally, amateur photog, content creator, novelist, empty nester, traveler, wife, & friend.