I Will Not Ask My Readers to Buy Me a Coffee Like a Homeless Person

You want a marriage with your readers or a one-night stand?

Anshul Kummar
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


graphic illustration woman with light brown eyes, curly messy bun light brown hair, holding a sparkly white tumbler and wearing a navy blue hoodie sweatshirt that says Mama, sitting against a brick wall background. The brick wall has a laptop, a heat press, a couple of tumblers sitting on it illustration drawing.
Image created using Lexica

If you ask your readers to buy you a coffee in exchange for reading your blog, do not read this.

You will not like this one — you might hate me too.

But most of you (or some of you) will ask for favors like ‘buy me a coffee.’ Why the heck do you do this?

Let me get straight to the point here.

  1. Are you not confident about your writing skills?
  2. Do you feel you have written high-quality content? (well, that’s what you think)
  3. Do you want your followers and readers to pay for your writing efforts?
  • If your answer is ‘yes’ to #1, then learn writing skills or take a few courses on storytelling
  • If your answer is ‘yes’ to #2, ‘GOD Bless You’ — this is equivalent to self-masturbation (OUCH!). You write content that makes you happy, but the fact is that you are writing the blog for your readers and not for you.
  • If your answer is ‘yes’ to #3, your followers are your best friends on any platform you choose. They trust your content but think twice when you ask for a penny or even a dollar. You are letting them drive to…

