I Wish MAGA People Would Talk to Me

And I wish they would let me talk to them

Fay Wylde
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash

I’m serious. And I know some of my followers here on Medium are going to either question my sanity (perhaps query if I’m schizophrenic) or possibly suddenly unfollow me, but before you jump the gun, hear me out.

Also, if any MAGA folk have stopped by and are reading out of curiosity, I hope you hear me out, too. I also hope you leave a comment. It can be a positive comment, a negative comment, or a mix. I don’t care. I just want you to comment because I do want to know what you are thinking.

We are all now locked, whether we want to be or not thanks to diabolical AI push algorithms, in our echo chambers and that is a bad thing.

No matter what anybody’s position is on any issue, not knowing what other people are talking about and thinking is a bad thing.

MAGA folk believe that Democrats and liberals are going to destroy America. Democrats and liberals believe MAGA folk are going to destroy America.

It is well within the realm of possibility that both sides are hyperventilating on that, and America will survive.

But one absolute fact I can tell you is this:

America cannot survive its citizens being siloed in their…



Fay Wylde
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Politics, women’s rights, racial equality, LGBTQ, religion, witchy stuff, and whatever else my autistic brain chases. Follow me and you won’t be bored.