If There’s No God, Then What ‘Designed’ Humans?

Are our bodies and minds really just the result of evolutionary trial and error? Or is there something else?

Jeff Hayward
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readDec 12, 2022


by author using Midjourney V4

I’d like to start off by saying I’m not religious — but I don’t want this to come off as anti-religion. I’m agnostic — I don’t really believe in a God figure per se, but I also can’t disprove there’s one. However, assuming some individual “God” isn’t up there designing us, who or what is?

Are we a fluke of nature, or a carefully designed masterpiece? Is God constantly updating our firmware, and adding on new features from a virtual shop?

I am a firm believer in science and evolution. I believe that species adapt over many centuries (or longer) to become more resilient. There’s no doubt the scientific link between some ancient beasts and modern creatures. However, human bodies in particular amaze me.

Yeah, I get that certain human attributes naturally disappear and others take their place over time to ensure our survival. You call that evolution and move on, right? But who decided to declare some of our features obsolete (like a tail, for example) while other features evolved?

These all seem to me like conscious decisions by an entity that can understand how certain features will work…



Jeff Hayward
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Ex-reporter. AI critic. Nostalgia lover. Canadian. Follow my publications Ai-Ai-OH and CanadEH.