I’m Giving Up Writing

Life’s challenges

Melissa Gray
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

Pretty much every day, I second-guess whether I should keep pretending to be a writer.

And every day so far, I’ve reminded myself that at the very least, I promised myself I’d give Medium a full year of consistent writing.

So, the title of this article isn’t in any way true. It’s actually in response to Keeley Schroder’s July 1st writing prompt. You can find the complete list here.

Today’s prompt was “Tell your partner you’re quitting writing — what did they say?”

My husband is well aware of the fact that I promised myself that I would give this at least a year, so I wasn’t surprised at his response:

“You can’t give up on yourself. If you don’t push through days like this, you’ll never know if you can really reach your goals. You don’t want to give up; how would you know if your very next story would have been the one that put you on the map?”

My husband believes in me when I lose faith in myself. He also pushes me to be my best self. He knows I will never be my own cheerleader, so he happily takes on that role for himself. It’s surprising the insecurities you can overcome when you have someone willing to fill your mind with assurances that you’ve “got this.”



Melissa Gray
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

11x top writer. I don't fit in a box, unless it's a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Follow me anyway. Mom of two. Wife of one. Editor.