I’m Sorry, I Can’t be Sorry Anymore

An apology story

Nevena Pascaleva
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


a plush teddy bear
A free image from Pixabay

I’m sorry, people.

I’m sorry that I’m a small and inexperienced child who makes mistakes all the time. Mom, do you know that

I went outside

without my jacket? Now I’m sick again, and you need to take time off work, and your boss will be angry, and I’m sorry, sorry Mom for being a child who gets sick all the time; I wish I wasn’t like that, I’m trying not to be like that, but it’s out of my control.

I’m sorry, Daddy, for using the new scissors to cut a hole in your favorite blanket: It’s just that


didn’t know

a blanket shouldn’t be cut, and I had no idea that scissors were only for paper. They looked so shiny, and the blanket was so soft and tempting. I wish I had known better, but I didn’t. It was out of my control.

I’m sorry, fashion world, that I’m not growing up to be as perfect as you are expecting me to be. I can see that

I’m not

tall enough and

most of my girlfriends tower over me, and I feel guilty because I make them feel inferior when they walk next to me; here, I’m going to wear high-heels, yes, I’m going to wear high-heels, and then I won’t be to blame anymore…

