Imagine a World…

Terrance Ó Domhnaill
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readJul 28, 2022


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash
Will this be the new United States?

How many people have read an apocalyptic science fiction novel in the past or watched a movie or TV series of the same? A story of civil society breaking down and factional wars going on across the landscape of the story. I have read and watched several over the years so I can already imagine how things will go should that become a reality. I have also deployed to war-torn countries where civil society was already nearly gone.

The scene is like this. Backdrops of bombed-out, burnt buildings, and cars everywhere, the smell of burning trash and death everywhere, smoke across the sky everywhere you look. Ash from the smoke and fires slowly raining down on you as you walk slowly, carefully up a street, ever watchful for enemy snipers or some crazy lunatic to come charging out of nowhere with a pistol, knife, or hand-held explosive device.

You are wearing civilian clothes because you are not a soldier so no Kevlar helmet or body armor. You may have a civilian hunting rifle and or a pistol at best. Your family is somewhere behind you waiting for you to give them the all-clear so all of you can continue to make your way to a possible safe haven across a newly formed border.

All of the main roads are guarded by former Army National Guard members, now state militias with civilian wannabes combing the wooded and less traveled areas of this new territory looking for stragglers just like you. If they catch you, they will kill you on the spot as an enemy combatant and likely rape and kill your adult or near adult female family members. Teenage boys will be given a choice of joining them or end up hanging from a tree limb or being shot like their dad if they are lucky.

Coming soon to a town near you

This is what you are up against in this fictional story. The other part of the story is about all of the forced migrations that these newly formed territories will implement forcing unwanted people out of their territories at gunpoint with nothing but the clothes on their backs and what they can carry. Forced into so-called enemy territory.

The territories that are willing to accept all of these refugees are hard put to take care of them all so they are put into tent camps with fences and guards around them to prevent looting and stealing of the local food supplies and such.

What I have just described has been going on in nations in Africa and the middle east for decades and is still going on today. Americans rarely think about things like this because it is not happening to them. They have the south and central American refugees trying to cross the southern border and they are being kept in cages and fenced-in compounds only rarely heard about now since Donald Trump isn’t making waves about border invasions anymore.

What I have just described is coming soon to a town near you. No more science fiction. Real-world scenery just like Syria and Palestine and Ukraine and many others right now. Shanty towns like in South Africa and tent cities managed by NGOs like the World Food Organization and many others. Newly formed territories are made up of combined former red states and blue states in what’s left of the once United States.

The Canadians and Mexicans will harden their borders to keep out the American refugees and luxuries like cars, guns, and ammo, food and water will be controlled by the local militia leaders, once former governors and mayors. Now petty warlords. All other commodities that Americans used to take for granted will be gone.

This is happening in war-torn 3rd world countries right now. The United States is on a fast track to joining them. As I mentioned in a previous article, bets are now being floated across social media at 10 years best case scenario.

I don’t think the drastic scenes I described will happen overnight but when the governments fail and states leave the union over their differences, then the breakdowns will start to show. First will come new draconian laws, then migrations of those who don’t want to abide, then forced migrations of the larger majority who don’t want to abide by the new laws with all of the state-sanctioned violence that will come with that.

With the violence will come skirmishes between the militias of the new territories and the government troops from the formerly blue states over territorial borders, migrants, and resources or lack thereof. Again, I am describing things already going on in other places around the world such as between Palestine and Israel. Syria and Turkey to name a couple.

How can the Americans stop this downhill-rolling juggernaut? By realizing that this is coming their way very soon if they don’t get out and vote to stop the madness in the governments starting this year. Vote out the extremists like Marjorie Taylor-Green, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, and others like them. Elect a more balanced congress at both the state and federal levels.

Mostly, send a message to these elected leaders to quit looking after themselves so much and start taking care of the people they represent. All of the people, not just the ones who are contributing to their campaign funds and making the most noise about what they want. The majority of Americans would be satisfied with a stable economy, infrastructure that isn’t falling down around their ears, and peace in their neighborhoods. The other stuff would drift away as non-relevant to daily lives.

There will always be differences of opinions about how people should live and I am fine with like-minded people living in towns and regions with other like-minded people. As long as they don’t try to impose their will on everyone else who isn’t interested, let people be. Learn to accept that there will always be people who will be different than them.

They don’t have to live with them but leave them alone and go about your own daily business. If you can manage to live with different people, so much the better. You might actually learn something new from them and they you. Why can’t people all learn to just get along with each other?

I have written articles in the past about why humans can’t seem to get along with each other and that is a shame. Evolution hasn’t brought them up with the rest of us yet and is not likely to do so in time.

Standby America, a new reality show is coming soon to an outdoor theatre near you and you won’t have any choice but to be a contestant whether you like it or not. The only question will be, what kind of contestant will you be? A freedom fighter or a refugee.



Terrance Ó Domhnaill
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a seanchaí, a Gaelic storyteller. Come sit in the shade of the village oak tree with me and let me tell you a story to make your day.