In a Gloomy Night

Skies wore the black mask

Stillness encircled everywhere

From the holes, the stars

Offering enchanting, decent glare

Throbbing hearts slept away

Of human’s and Giant trees

All Tongues seized

Of talking toms and chirping geese

Empty eyes of mine

Looking at darkest walls

In my heart’s barren land

Marching miniature spiritual dolls

Dolls of ideas and concepts

In grey smoke of cigarettes

Mind playing a game

-of acceptance and regrets

Underneath the sky’s cloister

In solitary room

With provoking thoughts

Laughing at his doom

Being an Optimistic poet

A magnificent man alone

Holding pen with a pomp

Lovely poems taking down

Azhar — a writing whiz: more than just a poet



Azhar Hussain
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am @Poet _@Writer_@ researcher- I write poems, fiction & non-fiction short stories & articles. “Brevity, Clarity and Simplicity catch the focus of readers”