In My Mind’s Eye
A peaceful, sunny landscape
Yesterday, I finished a new drawing — Here’s my inspiration for it:
It’s been buggering hot here in North Carolina. Seriously, the heat around here was agonizingly hot — as in Satan’s sauna torturous. Stepping outside, even just let the dog in and out to do his business, was slamming into a wall of heat.
The weather has been going on like since May. I’ve been mostly stuck indoors because of my health and mobility issues. Still, I was craving wide open spaces and a peaceful, calming and sunny respite.
Over the past few days, we finally got a modicum of relief. But, that just means it turned rainy and steamy instead of swelteringly hot. Since I couldn’t venture outdoors, I found myself dreaming of some sunny and cool place away from all the stress and chaos.
In my mind’s eye, there came to me a place with no one around — a place where just My Hamid and I could sit on a porch overlooking an expanse of sunny, blissfully cool and peaceful landscape. Most likely, we’ll never own such a vista from any porch of ours. But, it’s a lovely dream I wanted to capture, and now share with you.