In the Garden with Daisy

Brand new watercolor painting


I genuinely want to know what you think, reader.

I finished another new piece of artwork. This one has a rather protracted history. It’s been on my board since around 2006, along with three other drawings I intended to paint; I always had several works going at once. What with a growing boy’s needs, and rebuilding our future after losing the café, my art had to take a back seat. As my supplies dwindled and ran out, work was just went undone.

Original watercolor painted by the author

I’ve recently been able to begin replenishing my supplies, though. Thanks to the generosity of several readers donating to my KoFi account, I was able to invest in some top notch watercolor paints, and new brushes. My first purchases were for watercolor supplies. The brand I chose is Lukas Aquarelle 1862, a German import. I’m very pleased with the richness of the colors, especially the yellow ochre.

Yes, it took almost 20 years. And, the gap did me no favors. I never did find that groove I’d begun with so long ago. Completing this one was often a chore.

Yet, there were still moments my brush strokes felt inspired… like the background flowers, fading into the depths of the screen of blooms, or the varying stages of freshness in them. My favorite touch is actually the…



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC