Pedlar of Poems, Biddy Belletrist, Wrangler of Rhymes

Introducing The Blue Bardess

Created for the Arizona Renaissance Festival, but Destined for More!

Suzy Jacobson Cherry
6 min readDec 27, 2022


The Blue Bardess publication on

is a repository of Blue Bardess rhymes. The Bardess is preparing for the upcoming Arizona Renaissance Festival, where she is tasked with peddling chocolates with a smile, and hopefully, a well-turned verse. As a result, most of the first pieces shared here will be aptly related to chocolates and Elizabethan turns of…



Suzy Jacobson Cherry

Writer. Educator. Priestess. Not bound by genre. Founder & Editor of Brigid's Arrow, Petits Fours, & Sweet Paprika; Assoc. Editor for Bouncin & Behavin Poems