It All Goes Downhill After 45

Am I right? Prove me wrong.

Melissa Steussy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by RepentAnd SeekChristJesus on Unsplash

I need some encouragement here. Many years ago I noticed that women after 45, began to get more droopy skin under their chin, like the turkey wattle and their triceps were jiggly. Their butts became flatter and their middle became more like a spare tire. Most need glasses at this age and wrinkles and dark spots can leave their mark from all that tanning we did in our younger years.

Something happens after 45 that turns men and women old.

Before this, we still had some style. We were relevant, enough anyway.

Women can blame menopause. They start to lose their sex appeal and get all dried up, literally.

Men’s testosterone starts to diminish and there are only certain times they come alive in the sack.

We are done having kids and most of us have children that we aren’t chasing around. They have become independent and we are reeling as life begins to slow down. We begin to wonder about retirement and learn about investing.

Some that have been hard on their bodies begin to develop health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, auto-immune disorders, joint pain, etc.

Yes, many have had rock-hard abs and a strong health and fitness regimen for all of their…



Melissa Steussy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

26 years sober, health nut, supplement junkie, and all-around fantastic gal. Wrote a book called, Let Your Privates Breathe-Breaking the Cycle of Addiction....