It is Better to be Thought an Ass

Than put your fingers to the keys and remove all doubt

Kevin Putzier
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Jordan Butler on Unsplash

This is a long overdue response to a jackass.

Now, I don’t know if this guy is always a jackass, or just was on that particular day because a phrase lifted completely out of a really obvious context got his (sole) attention. Since it was my introduction to him, to my mind he’s a jackass. The offending polemic was a response to this article a while back.

So, if you’ve not read the article, I’d ask you to do so. But in summary, its point was that there is not just one solution to the energy crisis, but rather a lot of different complementary solutions.

Mr. Bott (I kid you not!) took exception to this. Now, I have no problem with someone disagreeing with what I actually said. That’s a basis for discussion and debate. I’ve only minor problems with strawmen since they usually show some degree of creativity. This tripe annoyed me at the time. I thought about responding then, but let it pass. Today, I was looking over some of my work and comparing it with what I’ve been learning in my Political Science classes and came across it again. It still cries for blood, so here we go.

This appears to be in response to the one phrase he highlighted, which is “Solar is not the answer.” To which he wrote:



Kevin Putzier
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a practicalist, which means I take political and social ideas from all sides and try to find what works. Mostly Progressive.