It’s Okay it Didn’t Fit, Try Another One for Size

This is for those who stay up at night beating themselves up because certain things they tried didn’t work out and now they feel foolish.


Photo by Sam Lion

And it’s also for those who are losing hope, and the will to try again because of many failures.

I totally understand you and until a few weeks ago I was like that…

Sorry that’s a lie, I still do that but not as often as I used to

All this changed because of a thought I had when I was outside getting some air but drowning in self-hate

So what was the thought I had?

Well, if you’re guessing it’s the title of this post then yeah that’s the thought.

It’s Okay it Didn’t Fit, Try Another One for Size

This was a simple thought, but it got deeper when I shared it with a friend later that day

You see, in life, we are given a lot of choices, and these choices may seem definite even though they are not.

It’s like going to a store to buy clothes, you see some items you really like, but they are not the right fit for you, and sometimes you even try to wear them hoping they’ll fit but…they don’t

So what do you do?

You keep trying different things you like until you find the right fit for you.

In some cases the ones you like just don’t fit, so you either have to wait for the one you want or keep searching in another store and this is another problem because we are mostly impatient, so we make decisions that:

Fit but are not what we like

Don’t fit but we force them on ourselves

This post is just a reminder that

It’s okay it didn’t fit, now try another one for size

And most importantly, if you can’t get the one you like that fits then be patient because the store owner (the universe) has assured you the perfect fit in what you like

You may say:

“But sometimes we go with what we don’t like, and we start to like it later on”

I know I may be wrong and have no right to tell you what to think but errrrm.

Yes that’s valid, but most times it just doesn’t work out, and we are left regretting or hurting others as a result of our decision

So next time you catch yourself beating yourself up for a bad or rushed decision remember

It’s okay it didn’t fit, now try another one for size and keep trying you’ll get your perfect fit soon

There’s no shame in trying, and you don’t have to force a fit.



Illuminated By Intuition
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Walking the path to transcend limiting beliefs, manifest prosperity, and sharing content as I go ✨