Judaism’s Looming Crisis

And the very real risk it poses for our global future

Christopher Grant
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
7 min readFeb 1, 2024


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

What you are about to read should make you uncomfortable. I hope it does. Some will rage against it and scream ‘antisemitism,’ but that is irrelevant next to the necessity to confront what I believe to be a fundamental cause for the global instability we see today. I do not apologize for my opinions and I am prepared to support my arguments. I welcome all comments.

I must be blunt. There can be no viable accomodation in a modern world for a tiny fraction of the human population to perceive themselves as superior to the rest of us and divinely entitled (they refer to it as their ‘divine mission’) to ‘rule the world with an iron fist’ (witness Israel).

Empires of old, including the Romans, invariably saw themselves as superior to their vassal races. And a mere handful of centuries ago, European colonialism teamed up with Christianity to subjugate the souls and substance of the Global South, a perspective that still echoes (albeit hollowly) in the corridors of western power today.

A lot has changed since then, equality-wise. Women gained the right to vote, desegregation (in principle) seeped through America and a rush of national independence movements in ‘the colonies’ shared headlines with the sexual revolution, all in the span of less than a century.

It’s the natural evolution of a connected human society.

We still have those who think themselves elite and entitled. Some have wealth vast enough to secure privacy, enable pretentious excess and whitewash their sins. Clerics of all stripes grasp for more than they deserve, and while royal lineages and familial dynasties come to mind, their time has gone. These groups may feel superior in their own way, none consider themselves categorically and distinctly superior to other humans.

Jewish or Not, That’s the Rub

Judaism is the sole exception. Israelite mythology claims God chose them as his favourites and gifted them part of the Levant as their homeland. Religious freedom gives modern Jewry the right to retain these tales of faith, but it does not permit them to impose that mythology of superiority through violent oppression of others.

Today, Judaism comprises many sects of varying orthodoxies as well as a growing percentage of secular Jews who do not believe in God, but to live ‘as a Jew in the community,’ one must accept (in public) their founding distinction which separates them from all others:

Jews are taught that they share God’s divinity, which marks them as the only ‘true’ humans and so, being divine, nothing they do can be a sin. Since non-Jews are not divine, they cannot be truly human — the Hebrew pejorative ‘Goyim’ means ‘two-legged beasts’ — and, as such, non-Jews are not entitled to human rights.

I will not offer statistics, but I believe this idea is only paid lip-service on religious high holidays by the greater part of the global Jewish diaspora. After all, it is from a time when men thought thunder was God shouting, an impossible fantasy when analyzed in a modern, logical context.

It is bereft of rational value or factual truth.

Not so in Israel. It is what draws the dregs of the diaspora to emigrate and embrace Zionism — those roaming gangs of illegal settlers who assault Palestinian farmers and drive them from their land, while Israeli soldiers watch and prevent retaliation. It is used to evict Arab families from their homes to make way for Jewish immigrants. Generations of Israeli children have been raised to think these myths are fact. Most Israelis alive today have no idea that the price of their country in 1948 was 750,000 Palestinians either murdered or relocated. The Palestinians name it The Nakhba. The Israeli education system pretends it never happened, priorizing (not ‘prioritizing’) fantasy over fact.

This Bronze Age delusion of entitlement forms the very core of Judaism, but Zionism strives to put it into practice. It is the engine of national unity, repeated again and again until Israelis abandon their common sense and basic humanity to embrace their impossible entitlements and a condescending hatred towards the ‘human animals’ threatening them.

A scan of the literature on eight decades of spreading Zionist occupation of Palestine and the tactics of oppression clearly reveal that Israeli policies have consistently worsened over time. Brutal violence has evolved into rituals of piety where Israelis think doing harm to a Palestinian woman or child brings them closer to God and makes them better Zionists.

Israel is Like an Addict

The most appropriate model to understand Israel’s descent into madness is addiction. Most addicts must hit rock bottom before they finally understnd the choice facing them is an existential one. Either change or self-destruct.

Outside of using tactical nuclear weapons, which one member of the ruling coalition suggested just so any other strategy would seem ‘reasonable,’ Netanyahu and his band of bat-shit crazy golems would find it near impossible to exceed their monstrous and disproportionate reaction to the Hamas rebellion last October 7th.

This is a watershed moment not only for Israel, but for Judaism. Every human on earth has witnessed undeniable proof of Jewish entitlement and contempt for non-Jews in the ongoing genocide occurring in Gaza.

Netanyahu claims the IDF are limiting civilian casualties, yet of nearly 30,000 Gazan deaths, 40% have been children and 30% women. Either Nutty-yahoo is lying or the IDF is incompetent — but with 60% of Gaza’s infrastructure rendered uninhabitable, Israel‘s military is far from incompetent. And by targetting children, Israel’s strategy is to murder the Palestinian future.

Like an addict so committed to his next rush that he doesn’t know he has soiled himself, Israel cannot see there is no walking this back. In an epic act of hypocrisy after whining that Hamas was intent on destryoing Israel by using the phrase, ‘From the River to the Sea,’ Netanyahu himself dismissed any possibility of a two-state solution, stating that Israel’s security necessitated Jewish rule from, you guessed it, ‘the river to the sea.’

Netanyahu sees himself as the hero of ‘Eretz Israel’ (again, ‘From the River to the Sea’ plus significant parts of her neighbours) but he is just as likely to be remembered as the man who killed the Zionist project. He needs to maintain this genocide for as long as he can, because when it is over, so is his leadership, and however many Palestinian deaths are simply collateral damage for retaining his power.

Israel has survived these past decades thanks to America’s protections, and the eagerness of its political representatives to trade campaign funds for placing Israeli interests before those of their constituents.

But that was then. Israel’s actions these past months are as extreme as any attributed to ISIS and other Islamic jihadists or any African warlord, its justifications equally outrageous and intolerable by the wider world. And the peoples of the planet have found their own unity decrying Israel’s inhumanity.

Do you see Netanyahu accepting the will of 8 billion Goyim and relinquishing his madness? Neither do I. Support for Israel will be a US election issue in November as well as into the future and I do not see politicians risking their seats to support Israel.

Will the Diaspora Step Up?

Only global Jewry can bring sufficient pressure to bear on Israel’s myth addiction and press it to accept international law, surrender intolerable Bronze Age fantasies and behave as every other nation is expected to.

If not? Netanyahu’s petulant refusal to abide by the ICJ ruling reminded me of a toddler’s temper tantrum in the middle of a mall. He has no choice but to go all-in, because any sign of capitulation will see him deposed and facing a long list of serious fraud charges.

America will likely squander the last scraps of its integrity and grease up for the Jewish lobbies. Though not Jewish himself, Biden has put Israel ahead of America for as long as he’s been in politics. American Jewish neocons have decided US foreign policy for decades and leashed NATO, the world’s greatest (supposedly ‘defensive’) military force, to disguise Israel’s interests as imposing collective international ‘rules-based order.’ Most of the top level positions in the US federal government departments are held by those both American and Jewish. No pressure on Israel from there.

Unchecked and left to rage, unable to face compromise, Netanyahu has one very dirty ace up his sleeve. More than once, he has publicly stated that ‘If Israel goes down, we’ll take the world with us.’ The strategy has a name — The Samson Option — and so every Israeli nuclear missile has a major international city assigned to it, just in case.

The Choice Matters to Everyone, Everywhere

Will Judaism’s diaspora pull an intervention on Israel or will it remain silent and risk cataclysmic divisions within their community? Silence will echo as complicit agreement and make things worse. As it stands, Israel has stripped the charge of antisemitism of any power and focussed a spotlight on the myth of victimhood.

We Gentiles will have our own choices in response. Violence, of course, is out of the question or we’re no better. But we cannot ignore what we’ve learned, and where we stand as ‘not quite human’ and inconsequential in Jewish eyes. It is clear now that distinct trust and conflict-of-interest issues exist which might only be resolved by separating the two groups. I think the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movements (BDS) will grow and spread because you cannot legislate personal choice. Voters will reclaim their interests through candidates willing to truly hold their interests above those of a rogue foreign power.

Decoupling Jews from non-Jews is really the only way forward which acknowledges the sins of history. Jewish religious freedom is maintained, but will no longer influence or impact Gentile lives or the policies of their governments.

Reducing the power and prosperity of the diaspora would be balanced by growth in that of Gentiles, in time playing its own role towards global equality. Israel will realize the only alternative to isolation lies in aquiescence to international laws and global expectations.

This is going to be an interesting year.



Christopher Grant
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Life long apprentice of Story and acolyte in service to the gods of composition — Grammaria, Poetris and Themeus.