Just Be Calm

Everything will be fine

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJul 17, 2023


Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

Just today like any other special day I saw a woman dead worried about her sick son who was about to be eaten by sickness. I felt sorry for her not because I was handicapped to help but because I saw that she was already a living walking corpse. She was already dying silently...tears were about to stream up in my eyes but I quickly wipe them off. I was ashamed to let out. Yes!

I would have love to question God what crime has man wrath, Apart from eaten from Eden...

Every day, every morning, people like me and you get so worried about life. About what they would eat, how they would survive, how they would see tomorrow, how they would make money and enjoy the luxuries life has to offer. Just about every damn thing.

Most people as soon as they wake up, the first thing that struck them on their mind is how to survive. Some of us even develop high blood pressure in the course of it.

You don't have to feel that, the anxious, anxiety, fear, and temporary defeat all humans face every day.

Always, you need to understand becoming anxious every day wouldn't change anything. If you’re like every other human who feels that being afraid and walking on the busy street with self-pity would make things change. Seriously, attention wouldn't be given to you because everyone faces their fears every day.

Just be calm, no matter the position you find yourself be it in poverty or achieving your goals just start small and where you are. I may not fully understand how you feel. No matter how I try to help, I still won't. So just calm down and with time everything will be fine because time heals all wounds and steadily brings your long dreams to pass.

Just calm down everything will be fine...trust the future with time!



God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!