K and Z: The Evolving Friendship, From Hisses to Hopes

Papa K
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readDec 30, 2023

Dear K,

Let’s talk about your budding friendship with Z the cat, exploring the moments that defined the early days of your coexistence.

When we brought you home, Z, our feline friend, was initially puzzled by your presence. At first, he approached you with a hint of indifference, giving your tiny head a cautious sniff. However, by the second day, a change occurred. Z began to hiss, a silent yet stern expression of his uncertainty. His face took on a somewhat intimidating look.

We soon realized that it wasn’t you that alarmed Z; it was the sudden and loud crying that seemed to put him off. Like all of us, Z needed some time to adjust to the new sounds and sensations in the house.

Speaking of your head, it’s a special part of you. It has a unique baby smell that is both comforting and intriguing. We also learned that keeping it covered is essential to keep you warm, as it’s where most of your body heat escapes.

Your head, little one, is a marvel in itself. At this stage, it’s not fully formed; there’s a soft part in the middle called the fontanelle, where the bones have yet to fuse together. This allows your brain to grow and develop properly. While it may seem fragile, your head is designed to handle gentle care, and that’s why we always hold it securely and support your delicate neck, as you can’t yet support your own head.

Z would get really close to you, sniffing away and then suddenly back off like he was offended by what he smelled, followed by a silent hiss with all his teeth showing. Those teeth could easily have pierced your fragile skull!

As days turned into weeks, we suspected that Z might be feeling a bit left out and overlooked, much like a younger sibling might feel when a new baby arrives. When visitors came to see you, Z sensed that he wasn’t the center of attention anymore. To remedy this, we made sure to shower him with extra treats and affection, assuring him that he was still a cherished part of our family.

The challenge of sharing sleeping arrangements between an initially apprehensive Z and a tiny K was indeed a bit complex. Over time, Z stopped hissing and grew accustomed to the sounds of your cries. He would occasionally sneak in for a gentle sniff, though we haven’t quite convinced them to cuddle just yet. Perhaps that day will come as you both continue to grow and discover each other’s quirks.

Your evolving friendship with Z is a beautiful story in the making, one filled with learning, patience, and the promise of heartwarming moments yet to come. We eagerly await the day when you and Z become the best of friends, sharing in adventures and creating cherished memories together.

With love,

Your Hopeful Parents



Papa K
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Exploring the uncharted realms of parenthood, one anonymous tale at a time. Join me on this heartfelt journey through the sonnets of early parenthood.