King of the Weekend

Spoiler alert: the weekend wins


Photo by Jubaied Munna on Unsplash

King of the weekend dances on pool tables
reigns over bars
tastes like cheap wine and stinks like a blackout
falls far from his subsidized life

Floor sticky with spilled hope and lives coulda been
blue lights and smoke like an 80s music video
sweat hanging heavy on eyelids

He don’t need no Bible, Torah, or Koran
God’s sitting on the barstool next to him
doing shots of Jameson

King of the weekend drinks until reality blinks
gives up his profession and friends
forgets his name, how it felt to be sober
from where he came

He wears a crown of regret
carries a nation on his shoulders and a relationship on his back
a loaded pistol where his heart used to be

King of the weekend turns into a nobody on Monday
goes through the motions until Friday
turns off emotions on Saturday
pleads for mercy on Sunday

No matter how hard he tries, the weekend always wins.

Thank you so much for reading. Here are some others that I hope you enjoy. 💚🙏🏼

