Laughter is Good For The Soul

Especially in Church

Joy Yvette
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJun 27, 2023


There are those among us who can find the levity in any situation. They can turn a frown upside down, brighten up a day, yada, yada, yada. We truly appreciate them for bringing a smile to our faces and lifting heavy moods.

Then there are those whose tickle bug gets to going at the most inopportune times. Uncontrollable laughter bubbles up in hospital rooms and at funerals, coming dangerously close to breaking up everyone in the room.

Some of this naughty joie de vie is no doubt in my blood and that of my family. As Pentecostal preacher’s kids, I promise you more hilarity happens in church than you’ll ever know. Like the sound of someone murdering cats — er singing a solo, or returning from the bathroom with a trail of tissue tucked in the back of their fancy dress.

Image from

In one of his more popular sermons from the 80s, my father was preaching about being real. He gave the example of a short-haired crossing guard who showed up one day with super long hair. Daddy says that in that moment, he felt obliged to roll down his window and holler “Wig! Wig!” And while that was funny but not nice, what he offered about being real is still hilarious to this day.

He said:

“There’s nothing wrong with wearing a wig, ladies. Fix yourself up and be proud…



Joy Yvette
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Mom, educator, writer, consultant-crafting narratives, making connections, and telling a story. It’s always about the story!