Photo by Mathilde LMD on Unsplash

Let’s Kill The Intramural Office Platitudes Oozing Out Of LinkedIn

Joe Dudak
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readMar 16, 2023


If you’ve ever spent time on LinkedIn, you know what I’m talking about.

You’re not a thought-terminating cliché; you’re a thought leader.

You made the paradigm shift long ago and paid your dues because you’re an early adopter who’s grabbed the low-hanging fruit. Not everybody knows you manage culture instead of people, but you do. Isn’t that the point?

Leaders aren’t born. They’re made. Ha! Always have been and always will be. But as far back as you can remember, you’ve been a goal-oriented, results-driven change agent ready to buck the status quo at a moment’s notice.

When you have a great idea, you share it with other thought leaders in your inner circle. When there’s nobody to run it up the flagpole with, you’re happy to circle back and touch base with one of your trusted colleagues responsible for managing, planning, and implementing new ideas.

You surround yourself with winners; they get you and are always on the same page because you think outside the box. You get the sheeple to drink the Kool-Aid. Period.

If they don’t jump on board, you trim the fat until there’s complete buy-in. You pure closer, you. You’re a fucking closing machine.

But still.

We all know that not everyone’s ready, willing, or able to give 110%. Finding that level of dedication takes work. You sniff out strategic thinking self-starters with a track record of success, just like you. And that’s what you get because they pay you for that shit.

There’re a lot of layers on this onion. It is what it is.

After all, you’re a versatile individual adept at making informed decisions who routinely help others do the same. You’re the best.

Photo by Rohan Pandavadra on Unsplash

Let’s table this for now.

Before I cut this abbreviated post short, I want to take a second and rag on the annoying puffed-up ego-driven tactic that is the third-person point of view. Because, gosh darn it, we need more of that.


It seems disingenuous to use the third-person point of view. It’s as if people are enlarging themselves to fit into an overstuffed role where they can be sure everyone knows how great they are.

Or did I miss something? To me, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

Here’s an example:

Before becoming a serial entrepreneur, Joe demonstrated a consistent track record of success in generating revenue and penetrating new markets through sound financial planning, collaboration, and strong business acumen while consulting with top Fortune 500 companies.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration and a Master's Degree. Joe earned his Doctor of Philosophy after defending his research dissertation on Navigating Fields of Bullshit.

I feel the puke welling up in the back of my throat.

I’ll revisit that bio when I have more bandwidth.

