
Level Up: 9 Game-Changing Habits for a Thriving 2024

The goal is to be healthy & have a sustainable bucket of habits

Niki Tisza
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image source: Canva

If you want a killer, productive year, I have the perfect recipe for you!

It’s a mix of habits that work wonders for me, so I wanted to share them with you so you can incorporate them into your life, too.

Disclaimer: This list is based on my lifestyle and experience. You know your life the best, so tweak things accordingly.

Let’s dive in!

1 — Sleep at Least For 7 Hours

I used to skimp on sleep because I thought I could survive on 4 hours of sleep like Margeret Thatcher.

But it felt like I was a zombie or always running on empty, and my reaction time was slower.

We need this fuel to

  • Eat better
  • Make better choices
  • Conquer the next day
  • Respond to daily challenges skillfully

During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health.NIH

Trust me, your brain and body will thank you.

2 — Wake Up Early

The early bird catches the worm, right?

I get up somewhere between 6.30 and 7 AM.

There’s something magical about those quiet morning hours.

It’s your time to do whatever you want without distractions.

Personally, I choose to focus on my health during the first couple of hours of the day.

By exercising, walking, and having a nutritious breakfast, I’m all set for the day.

I’m a boring brekkie eater. Since I lived in Ireland, I’ve been eating ½ cup of porridge with banana, blueberry, and a tablespoon of unsalted peanut butter. I don’t even think about it. I make my oatmeal on autopilot, and I’m as excited about my breakfast as I was the first time I had this combination.

3 — Write Morning Pages

This one is a game-changer.

I started reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron this time last year, and since then, I have only missed a couple of days of Morning Pages.

If you’re not familiar with the concept, there are plenty of YouTube videos on the topic if you want to get a better idea, but essentially it’s a brain dump.

Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper (yes, an actual paper, writing long-hand) clears your mind like nothing else.

It sets a positive tone for the day, and I can’t even imagine my life without this habit.

4 — Exercise In The Morning

Get moving!

At least 5 times a week.

Whether it’s yoga, a quick jog, or dancing in your living room — it boosts your mood and energy levels.

And doing it in the morning?

I swear by it as I experienced a tremendous positive impact and productivity shift this single habit had on my life.

5 — Portion Control Meals

I believe we can eat whatever our eyes desire but in moderation.

There’s nothing wrong with having a pizza or cheesecake once in a while, but having a cheesecake every day? That’s a no-no.

It’s not just what we eat but how much.

Being mindful of portion sizes keeps my energy steady and my mind sharp.

I’ve been following a plant-based diet for many years, which keeps my portions in check. Because even if I want to eat carrots, I can’t munch on the vegetable for longer than 20 minutes. The fibre keeps me full and satisfied for hours.

Now, I’m not here to tell you to eat only plants, but try adding more vegetables and fruits to your plate to help you control your meal portions.

6 — Walk at Least 8000 Steps a Day

Walking is underrated.

I find that it’s the best way to clear my head, get some fresh air, and keep my body moving.

Plus, it’s a great opportunity to catch up on audiobooks or podcasts or simply have a mindfulness walk.

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.Better Health

7 — Reduce Screen & Sitting Time

We’re not meant to be glued to screens all day.

I’m guilty of this too as I work on a computer for 8 hours daily. Most of my hobbies are also related to screens, as I do digital illustrations on my iPad or write my articles. I also catch up with people on my phone while looking at that tiny screen.

As I can’t do much about my work screen time, but I wanted to nudge myself positively, so I recently added a widget to my phone’s home screen that tells me how much time I spend on my phone.

I spent about 3–4 hours on my phone until December last year. So now, I aim for a maximum of 90 minutes.

You’d be surprised how a small visual reminder (like a screen time widget) can significantly affect your screen time habits.

I also make sure I alternate between standing and sitting positions while working. I usually do focused work while sitting and do my meetings standing.

Stand up, stretch, take a break, touch grass! Your eyes, neck, and back will be thankful.

8 — Do Something Just For Fun Every Day

Whether it’s drawing, editing a video, or learning something new, like my ongoing French lessons, nourishing our soul is important.

I’m also on a mission to read more books this year — aiming for 30!

Currently, I’m reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book Be Useful and enjoying it so far. Of course, I’m biased as I’m a huge fan of his work.

9 — Go to Bed Before 11 PM

A restful night sets us up for starting the next day successfully.

You may have heard: an hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after.

I used to go to bed after midnight, and sometimes it still happens. On occasion, it’s okay and even unavoidable (e.g. flying from New Zealand to Canada).

But going to bed before 11 PM has greatly impacted my quality of sleep, stress level, and tolerance of people’s bad behaviour, etc.

It’s the perfect end to a day.

Final Words

I won’t sugarcoat it; it is tough to stick to these habits for 365 days.

Everybody has off days, and sometimes life gets so busy that we can’t stick to a plan regardless of how much we try.

Don’t get discouraged or defeated if you can’t do all of them for 7 days in the week. We’re humans, after all. Try to aim for 5 or more days, and watch how your life transforms for the better.

The key is persistence and self-compassion.

So, are you ready to level up your 2024?

Let’s make it a year of growth, health, and lots of fun!

If you’re new to me, my name is Niki. I’m a part-time writer with a 9-to-5 job in tech.

