Look For Me

Fatima Naveed
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readAug 16, 2024


Author’s Original Image

Lost for words is the biggest turmoil if it is the only portal to knowing and communicating. Not being able to write something for many days creates this fury inside, making it feel as if you never had the means to do that in the first place. There’s this question that’s been lurking in the minds of unknowns or maybe knows if it is possible to manifest what you dream about or is that also a ruse?

You write them down every time you feel that this should come true being hopeful because it isn’t all we can do. The act of being hopeful sometimes feels very hopeless and you doubt the only thing that you are meant to do. We do it as a reflex but how can we doubt our reflexes and when you do, you ask another question “Should I be hopeful still or just let it go?”

This question is always left unanswered because there is another reflex of yours that has always been in running, this one you don’t doubt. As it just keeps on running without you knowing about it. You give these laps and stages to your destiny, hoping the act of letting go when at least one of them is fulfilled by what you hope will happen. But what you forgot is that you can’t give stages to your destiny, you cannot give a route to something you know nothing about. You can’t guide it when you don’t know the final destination. You can just be hopeful.

They say the right things bring us peace, but why then do they slip through our fingers like sand? Perhaps peace is a fleeting mirage, never meant to be held. For if the world were always tranquil, it would cease to be the world, and instead, become something altogether unimaginable.

Look for me when you can

I’ll still be here doing the act

The act of unknowns with a sweet little touch

With doubt infused I became the master of twists

Speak of me when you can

When I am gone with a peaceful bliss

Someday for sure, I’ll get it covered

With all my hopes and dreams for sure

Think of me when you can

Let me know that’s all I ask

Is it too much to hope for now

Should I be hopeful or just leave my crowd?

Dream of me when you can

I still wonder about all the words

I took too long and it slipped away

So, yes it would be just that.

