Manipulation 101

Get People to Do What You Want (Without Saying Please)

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJan 28, 2023


Are you ready to learn the secrets of manipulating the masses? Well, grab a drink and sit back cause today, we’re about dive into the dark and twisted world of persuasion.

# Power of suggestion

Photo by ELEVATE edited on Canva

Did you know that simply mentioning something can make it more likely to happen? It’s true. The next time you’re at a dinner party and want your friends to try that new trendy drink, all you have to do is say, “I heard this drink’s so good that it’ll help you get over your ex.”(Boom, instantaneously persuaded)

# Flattery

Everyone loves to be complimented about themselves, so why not use that to your advantage? Compliment someone on their outfit or skills and watch as they become putty in your hands. Just don’t overdo it; you’ll come off as creepy… and maybe get arrested!

# Milgram Experiment

Ever heard of the Milgram Experiment? It’s a study in which participants were instructed to administer electric shocks to another person (actually an actor), and they actually obeyed the instructions simply because an authority figure told them to.

The results were chilling and showed how easily those in power could manipulate people. So, the next time you feel like a rebel, think again; maybe it isn’t what you want but rather what the government wants you to want. (a treat to all conspiracy theorists out there)

Persuasion isn’t all evil. In fact, it can be used for good, like convincing your friends to join you for a night out or your boss to give you a raise. (keep flattering him, and one day, he will succumb)
Wield this power to influence others. Remember, “with great power comes great responsibility”(uncle Ben). So, use your newfound skills wisely, and don’t be afraid to be manipulative. It’s all in good fun. Just be careful not to get arrested!



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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