Journal #1

Medium Journaling… I Guess it’s My Thing Now

A new era is dawning… (wasn’t that subtitle so cool?! PERFECT foreshadowing)

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Yep, this is it. Journal. Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

What a formal and well-thought-out start to what will probably be the most writing and creation I’ve done in a while!

But yeah, this is what it sounds like. I will most certainly be writing more of the previous “usual” blogs, but this seemed like a better way for me to stay consistent while still writing, sharing, and storytelling. This is a “whoever is willing to hear” thing, as it is with most writing.

I won’t be talking about the boring details of my day, like with other journals. Well, maybe..but only if it’s an uneventful week!

For the most part, it will be stories of funny, awkward, and wholesome interactions from my day, and possibly some takeaways from it. It sounds cheesy, but I’m actually really excited — I live around some pretty awesome and/or chaotic people!

In addition to this new journal-y series, I will be making well-researched and thought-out articles about current happenings in the world (journalism pog?), as I’ve had a good time with that before and would like to try again.

Here is one of the old ones:

Speaking of old blogs, I have quite a few devoted to me not being able to stay consistent. I would like to declare that I have acquired next-level time management skills, and that inconsistency will no longer be a problem (knock on wood).

I’ve recently had a burst of motivation, and it’s not the kind that goes away quickly. No, this is good. This feels right. Does it have anything to do with changes in my personal life? Probably.

There’s really nothing like immersing yourself in a hobby after your crush breaks up with their partner only to promptly get together with someone else despite mixed signals, am I right?

Feelings are weird like that. I usually keep a very logical mindset, but this does not help when it comes to emotions and all that. It’s fucking crazy what a crush can do to your emotional health.

Of course, I never said anything to them, and we’re still in the same friend group. It could be worse — I could’ve interrupted the relationship I didn’t know they were in.

It still sucks to see those two walking around holding hands. However, a few Google searches and one Psych2Go video later, I realized that the best way to get over a crush is by focusing more on yourself. Not in a selfish way, but in a self-care way.

So I tried more content creation, something I love, and it just…worked. The psych advice worked! Who would’ve thought?!

Not only did it work, but it also opened up unfamiliar feelings of what I’m pretty sure are full of self-love and excitement for the future. Damn, we’re making strides! However, that’s a story for another day (aka Friday. Because I have a schedule now. Because I’m prepared. Time management!).

If you read to the end, thank you — I really appreciate it!

I’m so excited to see this series become full of connections, life, community, and interactions. I love journaling because of the weird sort of mindfulness it requires, and now I have a way of sharing that!

Also, being on a platform of writers has got to mean I’m not the only people-watcher here. Unofficial studies in human behavior, psychology, and speech patterns, anyone? Or is that just me?

Haha, it very well could be either. Thanks for reading, and have a good day!



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a young writer here to improve my skills and support the community | Still trying to find my "writer's voice", but having fun along the way