Meet Singles In Real Life, No Dating Apps Required

Liliana Andrino
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readMay 24, 2022

According to the Tylt 2018 survey, 84% of millennials prefer finding romantic interests offline than online.

While online dating is the most convenient way of finding dates, it cannot compare to traditional dating.

There is something about meeting a prospective romantic partner for the first time in the flesh versus meeting them from an online dating app.

For one, you can instantly assess whether you have sexual chemistry just by being in the same room. You cannot do that just by talking to them behind your phone’s screens.

Two, you get a good impression of what kind of person they are just by talking to them face to face. Again, you cannot do that through chat.

Lastly, you get to see them in person and confirm their identity.

In sum, traditional dating is by far superior to online dating. Now, put down your phone and go out into the real world to find a love interest.

Here are ways to meet your future partner without creating online dating profiles and swiping left or right:

1. Go out

Hiding in the comfort of your home won’t help you meet new people. You need to go out. You need to push yourself to get out of your bed, dress up, and talk to other human beings.

You can ask your friends or colleagues to set you up with someone or go venture out on your own. There are tons of places where you can meet new people. Join a club, volunteer for a cause, or sign yourself up for a pottery class. You can also try your luck at speed dating events.

2. Put some signals on

Have you ever approached someone but backed away because they seem unapproachable?

If you want potential partners to notice you, you need to give some signals. You may not notice it, but your body language and mannerisms affect how people communicate with you.

For instance, if you’re preoccupied with your phone at a bar, no matter how friendly or good-looking you are, no one would approach you. Because your action shows that you don’t want to be bothered and that you’re uninterested in your surroundings.

To avoid showing that you’re a closed-off person, consider doing these two methods:

  • Make eye contact.

The eye is the window of the soul. It reflects what you feel in any specific situation. This is why if you want someone to pay close attention to you, you need to flirt with your eyes.

When making eye contact, make sure that you’re subtle. Don’t stare at someone because you can come off as creepy. Rather, start with glances and if they respond, you can go on with prolonged eye contact.

The key is to pay attention to their response. If they smile, that’s a good sign. If they don’t, it shows that they’re not interested.

  • Remember to smile.

There are no laughing and smiling emojis in real life. For people to know that you’re open to a conversation, you need to show it to them. The perfect way to do this is through smiling.

Your smile can be flirty, or it can be friendly. The purpose is to acknowledge the other person and tell them they are welcome to engage with you. Just make sure you don’t have anything stuck to your teeth, and bring breath mints.

3. Shoot your shot

Talking to strangers is intimidating. It is especially difficult when it is someone you are interested in. Of course, it’s valid to fear that they might not reciprocate your sentiments. They may give you their number, or they may not. However, if you don’t push yourself to talk to them, nothing will happen.

At the end of the day, if you continue to fear something that hasn’t even happened yet, you will only miss any special chance to have any connection with them.

  • Introduce yourself.

Make the first move and introduce yourself. Don’t just wait for them to approach you. This can be challenging if you’re shy and introverted, but there’s a way to feel more confident when approaching people for the first time.

First, practice in front of a mirror. By doing this, you can instantly see any problems that need changes, from the way you smile to the way you enunciate your words.

You can also practice in front of your friends. It’s a plus that they can provide you with constructive feedback so you’ll know what parts of your introduction needs improvement.

  • Strike up a conversation.

Now that you’ve introduced yourself, you need to build rapport. You can ask them a question, tell them a pickup line, or any icebreaker you can think of to start a conversation. Be creative.

If you’re not confident you can come up with anything interesting on the spot, you could always prepare something beforehand. Search for interesting icebreakers on your phone and memorize them before heading out to a bar or club, and use them with the first girl you see.

Don’t forget to be confident when talking and delivering your one-liners. No matter how cheesy it is, you can make up for it with your attitude and delivery.

Traditional Dating Is Better

Meet new people, make friends, and fall in love. Life is too short to spend it at home and in front of a screen. You need to go out and make memories your future self can tell your children. Tell them how you meet their mother in a cute little coffee shop downtown. Doesn’t that sound better and more romantic than meeting her online?

Without a doubt, traditional dating is better than online dating. It is more romantic than swiping left and right. Besides, going through hundreds of dating profiles from people who may or may not be active on a specific dating website is so exhausting.

Instead of wasting your time staring at your phone, wouldn’t you want to meet someone in real life and build a more personal connection? So venture out and see what’s on the horizon.

about the author, Liliana Andrino



Liliana Andrino
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Professional Dating Coach, Writer, and Mentor for I am an advocate for love that goes beyond borders.