Monsters on the Loose

When Bots Go Bananas!

Sannan A.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readApr 28, 2024


Ever feel like you’re tiptoeing through a digital jungle, with AI creatures lurking behind every byte? Well, grab your virtual machete, and let’s hack our way through this crazy maze of tech terrors!

Photo by Yuyang Liu on Unsplash

First up, let’s talk chat-bots. You know, those little AI critters who chat us up online? Some are helpful sidekicks, but others? Watch out! They can turn into real troublemakers, spreading fake news faster than a wildfire in a data forest.

Then there’s those sneaky algorithms. They’re like the invisible giants pulling the strings behind our screens. Sure, they suggest stuff we might like, but sometimes they go rogue, trapping us in a loop of cat videos and conspiracy theories.

And don’t get me started on deepfakes. These shape-shifting shenanigans can make anyone look like a movie star or a political puppet. It’s like a fun-house mirror that distorts reality and leaves us wondering who’s real and who’s just pixels.

Photo by Gerard Siderius on Unsplash

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom! We’ve got the power to outsmart these digital monsters.

With a dash of skepticism, a sprinkle of common sense, and a pinch of digital literacy, we can navigate this wild, wacky world of AI and come out on top (Err really?).

Can we tame the wildest AI beasts?

Let’s dive in and show these monsters who’s boss! (Or just be their slave?)



Sannan A.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

College Student | Likes to Write Fiction & Non-Fiction | Night Writer