My Dreams and How They Sometimes Represent What Happens in My Life

And if you know what it means to keep dreaming in prison, enlighten me with your knowledge.

María Fernanda Prato
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readAug 24, 2022


While growing up, my dad used to say that dreams are just a recollection of images, faces, and sensations from the past days of your week combined with all the TV I watch, no wonder I was dreaming of crocodile islands and prisons underneath purple vertical houses. However, there is no way that such a complex and complete organ is just a recall of faces or sounds from the coffee shop I went to a few days ago.

Ever since I was a kid, no matter how many hours of sleep I get, I always wake up feeling tired. My dreams (which I mostly consider nightmares) are so vivid, and full of colors and textures, although being able to remember all my dreams without fail is one of my favorite things in the world, it has also come with many unpleasant nights.

The detail with all of these being so realistic made me develop sleep paralysis, I had to start sleeping pills, anything to make me rest. I’m also almost 100% sure my dad passed this onto me genetically, I thought my dreams were weird until I heard his stories.

One of the few stable things in my life for the past 5 years have been my dreams, I moved countries, I started college, then I moved continents and they’ve always been around, but the main clue that helped me realize that my dreams were representing what was happening in specific periods of my life was when I noticed how I was able to continue particular dreams for several nights.

NFT from Arcade Solway on Twitter

A few months ago, I started dreaming about this particular purple house, It was the only animated house in the street, literally. The house had a velvet texture, black windows with fur, and was extremely long. Several parties were occurring each night, most of the time they involved gala dances, appetizers, wine, and jazz in the background.

I saw myself as a curious 9-year-old, which got me in trouble; I decided to go downstairs, where I was strictly prohibited to go, and encountered a real-life prison of elder people. Everyone wearing grey uniforms, playing cards, and fighting for the daily newspaper.

As soon as they realized I was there, they managed to open the doors and all flooded the upper floor, screaming, punching everyone in the way and consequently me waking up several times in the middle of the night.

Now, It took me a few weeks to pass this dream and easily a month trying to figure out what it meant, It always ended the same way, with the little girl sitting on top of the building, playing Nintendo and swinging her legs.

That being said, my grandma had passed away a few days before the purple house theme started. I never had a close relationship with my grandma while growing up, we lived far away and so we only saw her a few times a year. Once we moved countries, I started getting to know her better and learning from her experiences, she was an ostentatious woman, she loved having fun and wearing extravagant clothes, which can give an insight into the beginning of the dream. However, what the fuck does the jail mean!?

It took me over a year to grieve her death, to actually sense her absence, and for the dream to completely stop.

Brixton Prison by

An abandoned prison was the first look I took to what was gonna be my recurrent dream for around 3 weeks. In the first dreams, I was able to see the old and destroyed tall building from a high point in the distance, all the helicopters surrounding it and 5 little uniformed men watching everything around.

As the days passed, I was inside, running late for class and avoiding the wrecked parts of the floor so I wouldn’t fall 10 floors down. There were teachers and prisoners, slippery floors, eagles, and only boys.

Now, you can see the association between school and jail up to a certain point, I was going through college applications, exams, and more, but what left me in doubt was the 5 men on top of the castle. Up to this day, I have several theories, from the 5 pillars my dad has always taught me to work on to live a peaceful life to the 5 classes of Anatomy I had a week (corresponding to my now degree pathway).

Despite all, I record/ write every single one of my dreams the minute I open my eyes, it has become a habit I desire to continue practicing until I run out of dreams. I have learned to understand and even like all my dreams, the ones showing my fears, my insecurities and desires.

From the ones where my sister gets kidnapped in a different dimension and I can see it all happening from mine to crocodile islands where I died and started walking around the bay as a spirit. These are more punctual dreams but I still believe they carry an important insight into my life.

I would also love to hear any similar stories you might have related to dreams! It is always nice to know you’re not the only one walking around this planet with a non-stopping head.



María Fernanda Prato
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m 19! in a constant fight with capital letters, jumping from feminism, to the importance of color red in art and why I enjoy grocery shopping so much