My First LinkedIn Post Got 1 Million Views in 8 Hours

Deciphering the three most important ingredients for virality


Author’s LinkedIn Analytics snapshot

I’ve got red marks on my arms because I’ve been pinching myself so hard every few minutes now. The response my first post on LinkedIn has gotten is nothing short of unbelievable.

A little over 12 hours ago, I sat down to pen my first LinkedIn post.

I was going to announce my transition from a decade+ of investment banking to being a stay-at-home dad. I also wanted to announce our move back from Hong Kong to India.

The writer in me wanted to structure it right — and so I did my best. I wanted my modest 1500-people network to know these updates.

That’s about it.

Again, the writer in me, somewhere, secretly, wanted more than just my network to read it.

It was a major decision — and not a conventional one.

I wanted it to be known far and wide.

Especially because it talked about something that our society doesn’t yet normalize — and it must.

Stay-at-home dads.

After I first hit “Post” at about 10:30 am India time, I went on about my day and put our 1-year-old daughter to her morning nap.



Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Stay-at-home-dad who "retired" from a 12-year career in finance at the age of 35. Curious thinker with an opinion on nearly everything and is here to share it.