My Friend Hugo Buendia is an Unconditional XXL Supermodel Tess Munster

Hugo in his own way is also XXL size and we nicknamed him big blood sausage

Roger Brea
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJul 24, 2023


image public domain

Hugo often speaks of Tess Holliday, proudly using the nickname of his heroine: Tess Munster. Tess Munster here, Tess Munster there… Hugo, like Tess, has come out into this world favored by measures. We, a group of Hugo’s close friends, gave him the nickname Big Blood Sausage some time ago. Is it because of his blood sausage that Hugo idolizes Tess Munster…?

But Hugo is insistent with his heroine and recites by heart everything the Top XXL has said or has been saying:

“I want to challenge the social perception of Beauty.”

“I am the result of a culture that celebrates thinness and equates it with a positive value, but now I can write my own narrative.”

“I push myself on a daily basis and the result is in the images.”

“People should eat as much as they want without being socially ostracized.”
“I still feel the best is yet to come.”

Hugo is a nice boy of average height whom I clandestinely envy hands so big that he would almost be able to pick up a basketball as if it were an orange, a 48 foot that when he takes a few steps your eyes unfailingly go to his shoes and a third leg that makes an absurd bulge in his pants.

The surprising thing about the “Hugo case” is that he has been quite self-conscious about his measurements for years, and since he started hearing about XXL supermodel Tess Munster several months ago, his inveterate complex has given way to a growing infatuation with his huge attributes.

Look if Hugo’s attitude towards his striking attributes has changed that when the group of intimates call him Big Blood Sausage he now listens to the nickname with a confident smile on his face as if feeling proud of his big thing.

Checking out Hugo’s new attitude there is no doubt that his great admiration for Tess Munster has worked wonders for him.

A couple of weeks ago Hugo introduced us to a new quote from Tess Munster that came in Cosmopolitan U.K. magazine next to the XXL supermodel’s image (pictured in this article) and recited it twice in a row as if he was suddenly a poet enjoying his own poetry.

“Whew, I am literally a Cosmo Girl! I can’t believe what I’m saying! If I had seen a body like mine in this magazine when I was a little girl, it would have changed my life and I hope this serves that purpose for many of you.”

Week by week I was seeing the transformation of my friend Hugo and I started to think that maybe Tess Munster could also be a good medicine for me… because I also have my complexes like any homo sapiens and then I reviewed in my mind all those conscious complexes that I had accumulated throughout my life and that made me suffer not a little.

I told myself that I had to do something once and for all with my complexes just like my friend Hugo was doing, inspired by his teacher Tess Holliday.

Why not become an unconditional supporter of Tess Munster and take her as my teacher given the accelerated transformation I was achieving in my friend Hugo?

Yesterday I made up my mind and immediately went running to Tess Munster’s social networks to become an unconditional follower and adopt her as a teacher. Just this morning I took a piece of paper and wrote down a list of my conscious complexes. I have gathered seven or eight. I felt good after writing down my conscious complexes.

Finally, from this cluster of conscious complexes, I have easily detected the three that make me suffer the most and on which I plan to work today on: my small hands, my small feet, and the banana hanging from the laughing tree.



Roger Brea
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

An atypical Andalusian Generation X who is passionate about humor writing.