My Unconventional New Year's Resolution

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJan 13, 2024
Photo by MK. on Unsplash

Yet once again, another year has ended. It's January once again. By now, most are back from celebrating the advent of the new year, assuming that numerology will work in our favor. Most of us have a tradition/obligation to make resolutions whenever a new year starts, hoping the calendar change can also bring change in our lives. Most of the resolutions are standard, like getting fitter, achieving a specific financial goal, marrying someone, or divorcing someone for that matter.

Last year hasn't been that great for me in my personal life. Martial life looks like a damn soap opera, and my career stinks like a gym shirt worn continuously for a week, so I went for some contemplation and introspection, which led me to come up with a brand new and unconventional resolution, i.e., Stop taking life and people (Except a few close ones) seriously. Here are the reasons why:

Life is not permanent; Things like the coronavirus and unpredictable wars( since I am no Fortunate Son) have proved that the Grim Reaper wouldn't come after making a prior appointment. While alive, we should not spend time thinking about variables outside our control or cribbing about our mistakes. Life is meant to be lived, and the present is equally important, if not more, than the future or past.

Being serious hasn't worked for me- I have made many decisions that were assumably more logical, but such decisions have blown up in my face. For instance, I did an MBA in Finance because of its shiny career prospects, but Finance did a number on me, and I wouldn't say I liked the over-sophisticated corporate culture. I married a girl with no sense of humor, but she made a joke out of me. I hoped she would add balance to my carefree attitude, but not much balance would be left after the alimony payment, and that's why I decided to ditch seriousness.

Most serious people are stressed- As always, I did some knee-deep research on overly serious people. I am 5'7, so that's a lot. If you look at the most serious people, you know. They are constantly stressed, thinking and pondering over something 'worth thinking about.' Such thinking has brought them riches, but what about happiness? The best ones are the ones who love what they do, not just in Bed but for a living, too.

Constant Seriouness breeds Overthinking- The thing about overthinking is that you somehow assume that by thinking again and again about something, you are going to change the dynamics of the whole issue somehow, but that doesn't work in personal life, of course, unless you are God. Then again, God doesn't take anything personally.

Emotions- Too much thinking makes us excessively emotional and impairs our judgment. Emotions should be reserved for people who understand and care about you, not just everyone you meet. You will meet people with entirely different opinions from you, but you don't need anything to prove anything. Opinions are like a fetish. Everyone has his own, and you don't have to tell the world about it, and it's difficult to determine whose one is better or worse.

So, I will work seriously on being unserious this year. I hope it works this time.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I try to find humor in day to day life situations but mostly it's humor that finds me in embarrassing situations.i try be cool coz I have given up on being hot.