Navigating the Future: AI, Automation, and the Evolution of Economic Systems🌐✨🤖

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJul 21, 2024

Will our current economic system work in a world where humans have nothing to provide in value? Let’s explore this uncharted territory together, envisioning an economy as diverse and dynamic as humanity itself.

You know how you can’t live without your phone? Lets imagine, an economy that feels the same way about AI and robots.

Picture this: humans are just chilling, and robots are doing all the work. Sounds like a dream, but it’s kinda weird for the wallet. If we’re not working, we are not earning, then who’s gonna buy all the robot-made goodies?

Solution 1 — Universal Basic Income: A Safety Net for All

Enter Universal Basic Income (UBI) , the government’s way of saying, “Here, have some cash!” It’s like an allowance for everyone, so we can still buy those sweet robot-made sneakers.

But nothing is free, folks. Someone’s gotta foot the bill, and that’s where taxes on robot-making companies may come in.
These companies are like savvy party planners who know all the best deals.
If Country A is like, “We’ll take 30% of your robot profits,” and Country B is like, “How about we only take 10%?” — you bet those companies are gonna RSVP ‘yes’ to Country B. They’re eyeing countries that roll out the red carpet with sweet tax benefits. Companies also look for places with talent pools deeper than a bass drop and legal vibes that won’t kill the party mood, while keeping a good reputation.

It’s likely to become a global game of tag, and the prize is the lowest tax rates.

Image Credit: DALL.E-3

Solution 2 - Donut Economics Meets AI: The Recipe for a Sustainable Future

What if we tossed the old-school capitalist playbook and whipped up something fresh? Enter Donut Economics. It’s not about chasing cash or stockpiling stuff; it’s about making a better world where everyone gets a slice of the good life without trashing the planet. In Donut Economics, we’re not just consumers or workers; we’re part of a community that cares. It’s about thriving, not just surviving. We share, repair, and recycle, keeping resources in play like a never-ending game of eco-friendly ping-pong.

With AI, we can create a feedback loop that’s as smooth as chocolate glaze. It can track resources, manage waste, and optimize energy use. The cherry on top: AI can help us personalize this economic model. It can learn from different communities and cultures, tailoring the donut to local flavors while still keeping it within the global recipe for sustainability.

Global Economy: Tale of Futures

What if AI isn’t just about cool gadgets and making bank; it’s about making a difference? This isn’t just feel-good fluff; it’s creating a buzz in sectors that matter.
Developed countries have the brainpower, the cash, and the fancy labs. Their economies are already doing the robot dance, leading the AI party. Directing AI development towards solving societal challenges, such as healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability, can create new job sectors and economic opportunities. For countries with aging populations and low birth rates, AI could be a game-changer. It’s like having your personal Bay-Max. AI can help keep economies buzzing, even when the human crowd gets thinner.
Developing countries, however, might still be catching the next bus to the party. They’ve got something special: cheap labor. They’re churning out code for a fraction of the price, investing in education, and setting up innovation hubs. It’s a boxing ring where cheap labor and AI are having a dance-off. Developing countries are betting on their secret weapon: adaptability. They’re pivoting, hustling, and attracting AI talent.

The Great Economic Migration: From Reality to Virtuality

Just for kicks, let’s daydream a bit. What if our real-world economy takes a backseat, and the virtual world becomes the new Wall Street?
The metaverse is buzzing with activity, as users from across the globe log in to wheel and deal. Here, digital currencies are the cash flow, NFTs are the hot commodities, and blockchain is the ledger that never lies. While we’re all living it up in our digital utopia, AI has got our backs in the real world. It’s like having the world’s best personal assistant who never takes a day off. AI manages our crops, keeps our cities clean, and maybe even takes Pluto for a walk.
So, what’s the catch? Well, in this virtual economy, the lines between work and play blur. Your side hustle could be selling virtual real estate on Mars, and your 9-to-5 might involve designing fashion for avatars. It’s a world where creativity is king, and your wildest ideas can become your biggest assets.

But let’s not forget the real world. As we navigate the uncertain future shaped by AI and automation, it’s crucial to consider the profound impacts on humanity, society, and our planet. This journey isn’t just about technological advancement; it’s about navigating ethical dilemmas, ensuring global equity, and fostering a sustainable future. It’s about dreaming, scheming, and wondering “what if?” Because in the end, it’s not just about where we’re going — it’s about exploring how we can shape a future where AI and automation serve humanity’s best interests, leaving a legacy of innovation, equity, and resilience.

Further Reads and References 🎢📈



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Roaming the endless fields of knowledge and wisdom through books and literature: juggling code, curiosity, and the occasional pun.