Navigating the Maze of Your 20s: Dealing with the Fear of Missing Out

charen julianda
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readMar 12, 2024
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Entering your mid-20s can feel like stepping onto a fast-moving train. The world around you seems to be achieving one milestone after another, while you struggle to find your footing. Amidst the rush of others buying homes, traveling, and achieving dreams, you find yourself at a loss, wondering if you’re running out of time on this journey.

You’re not alone in feeling this way. Many people in their 20s experience a sense of unease, questioning if the path they’re on is the right one. The reassurances of having your own timeline and time to shine often do little to calm these worries; in fact, they can even amplify the feeling of being left behind.

Finding yourself in this mental space might seem like a midlife crisis, but it’s common. So, how do you cope with it?

Despite your best efforts and multiple side hustles, dissatisfaction may persist. You strive for more yet struggle to pinpoint what “more” looks like. This sense of stagnation can lead to depression and anxiety, making it difficult to pull yourself out of that mental slump.

Here are some strategies to navigate through this challenging time:

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1. Accepting Your Journey: Understand that everyone moves at their own pace. Your journey is unique and comparing it to others’ will only cause unnecessary distress.

2. Defining Your Goals: Take the time to outline what you truly want and set achievable short-term and long-term goals. This can provide direction and a sense of purpose.

3. Exploring New Horizons: It’s okay not to have all the answers right away. Embrace this phase as an opportunity to explore different paths, skills, and interests.

4. Seeking Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or a professional to discuss your feelings. Sometimes, sharing your concerns can provide much-needed clarity and support.

5. Embracing Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge your efforts and celebrate small victories. Remember, it’s okay to take a breather and reassess your plans.

Remember, life is not a race but a unique journey filled with twists and turns. Embracing the uncertainty of your 20s can lead to unexpected growth and self-discovery. It’s about finding your pace and defining success on your own terms.



charen julianda
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Registered Nutritionist- Dietitian with a passion in writing, research and sports.