No Freedom From Consequences

Don’t confuse rights with responsibility

Jeffrey Kass
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image From Author — Shutterstock/Jacob Lund

It seems like every time a person says something hateful and xenophobic, and that person then loses their job or job offer, minyans of people scream “what happened to freedom of speech!”

The First Amendment guarantees that:

“Congress shall make no law… abridging freedom of speech.”

Every state has a similar guaranty in their constitution.

It’s a foundational bedrock of America.

Thus, the government cannot prevent you from marching on the state house steps to spew whatever you want to say.

You want run on the sidewalks shouting at the top of your lungs, “I hate Black people,” “The Jews are the devil,” “Muslims go home,” or “destroy Israel?” Go for it. Hit the streets.

You want to erect a sign on your lawn that says “COVID was a conspiracy,” or that “Ivermectin cures all,” have at it.

The Constitution protects all of this. Hateful, kind, right, wrong, researched, unresearched, idiotic or smart.

You’re not even required to read any books to speak.

But what our Constitution doesn’t protect is every consequence of your speech.



Jeffrey Kass
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad