Now You Can Develop Laser Focus and Be Less Distracted

Let’s get into the focus matrix

Yash Sharma
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJul 12, 2024


Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

I had a hard time focusing on what matters.

My mind used to wander day in and day out.

However, I am good enough to identify my weaknesses.

Once, I figured out that I lacked focus. I started working on myself, observing how my mind works. And I found that it keeps thinking about things and hardly focuses on what’s in front. So, I tried different things from meditation, power naps, breath awareness, etc.

And some tools worked and started living in the moment.

The present moment is all we’ve got, what we do in this moment defines our tomorrow. Either you can waste it or use it to grow.

Here are some key habits that can help you to start living in the present:

15 minutes of Power Nap: It’s tool that helped a lot at first, to calm my nerves and focuses on the present.

Focus on the breath: Focus on inhaling, and exhaling for 1 to 2 minutes, sense the air going in & out. You’ll come back to reality.

Observe the surroundings: Whenever I feel that I’m overthinking, I pause and start observing the surroundings, the walls, trees, air flowing, etc. It helps me to get back, this is the time.

These are the few that I use to get back at the moment.

I don’t know about you.



Yash Sharma
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.