Azhar Hussain
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJul 22, 2022

An inspirational poem of rose

Oh! Little Rose: an inspirational poem by Azhar: the writing whiz (author’s image)

Oh! Little Rose
Alluring Posture
And your smile —
inspires me
Your fragrance, baby
Turning me crazy

Oh little rose
Your Smiling face
Beauty and grace
With a brief life span
Wow! Showing off brawn
In the evening and dawn

Oh! Little Rose
Show me a way to pursue
Encourage to live like you
Your silence peace of smile
and a worry-free lifestyle.
Look at me for a while.

Oh Little Rose
Encourage me to live like you.
How can I adopt your hue?
How can I spread a lovely scent?
Break the silence, and speak.
Make me like you, sleek

Oh Little Rose
What I have learned I’m telling.
With a cheerful joy Yelling
Your silence is speaking, yes.
Infusing me with a new blessing
more performed, and spoke less.

Oh Little Rose
You said, “perform your duty.”
Assigned to you God Almighty
must refrain from the irrelevant
Perform your duty as per talent.
Life will bring you all the pleasant

Oh! Little Rose
You are an amazing preacher.
A practical preacher
with a silent interpretation.
How to live without the negation
The realities of the universe
Accepting all with no curse

Azhar's Logo (author’s Image)

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A big your for you!

The Writing Whiz.



Azhar Hussain
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am @Poet _@Writer_@ researcher- I write poems, fiction & non-fiction short stories & articles. “Brevity, Clarity and Simplicity catch the focus of readers”