5 min readNov 27, 2022


Who’s to blame when da drugs dont work da same and dey make you go insane?

So the recent events of a mentally ill black boy shooting up a high school in St Louis triggered me to discuss the dangers our society is facing with this pharmaceutical psyops they call psychiatric care.

The problem that lies in this event — like many other school shootings — is that it was allowed to happen when it could have been prevented.

How does a young clinically imbalanced black male — whose parents know he was disturbed enough to have him on multiple psychotic drugs AND had him institutionalized multiple times — be allowed to continue to move around easily in society as a walking drugged up zombie ticking time bomb.

I’ll tell you how: They lousy parents.

They knew he was a danger to himself and others which is why they called police to have his guns confiscated before.

Why didn’t they lock him up from then?

In fact, why did the doctors who was treating him when he was locked up even bother to release him?

The doctors and parents clearly had no other plan to keep him properly monitored besides the drugs they experimented on him.

Who was watching him when he bought those guns? MULTIPLE TIMES.

Better yet: who should have been watching him?

The parents of any of these school shootings should be charged with second degree murder.

You know when you got a bad seed.

They were aware that their child was disturbed enough to do serious harm.

But these parents of mentally disturbed children always try to appease their child with freedoms they shouldn’t have in an attempt to keep some sort of peace.

A peace that often turns catastrophic.

When I heard this youth was a black male I was surprised cuz this aint usually how a black man exacts revenge naturally.

We’ll shoot up a hood not a highschool.

Meanwhile a white male feels authority to fuck up everyone else’s life cuz his own shit is fucked up.

But with the increase of prescription pills in the black community — black parents aren’t doing the work on mental health for each other so we go to the white man and they give you a pill that won’t do nothing but make it worse.

Psychological bandaids.

Drugs don’t treat they temporarily suppress.

That’s why you gotta keep taking them to be able to function in society.

Which isn’t even a guarantee because any pill taker is just a time released weapon in the form of a patient.

Really just an uncontained, loosely monitored guinea pig.

Problem is that parents aren’t properly held accountable for the psychotic breaks their children unleash to society.

Dey continue to let children like lil Johnny — who likes to burn animals for fun and hears evil voices telling him to kill — be reinstated to public schools, activities, and jobs.

And then they just hope whatever concoction of pills they switched him to after the last episode will do a better job at suppressing the problem.

Meanwhile, a child’s mental health issues mostly stem from imbalance n deprivation in the gut OR trauma-based experiences programmed in the MIND.

Usually both.

Parents also don’t like to take accountability for that either cuz they’d have to admit they been feeding lil Johnny McDonald’s, chips, candy, soda, and a whole heap of other synthetic foods that heavily disrupt the balance for healthy development.

Mothers are especially in denial about what they consumed during pregnancy being in correlation to their child’s mental and physical state.

But they know.

That’s why they feel so guilty about locking up their child when the evidence slaps them in the face that they didn’t breed a seed that is safe for society.

Stop using pharmaceuticals to put a bandaid on yo issues and take accountability for what’s really going on inside.

With all of that said, weeks later the issue decided to land itself right in my own yard.

My neighbour — a black woman in her late 20s who told me she suffers from bi-polar disorder — recently had a very public psychotic break.

I had done a free healing session on her where we uncovered a lot of the root issues to her psychosis.

She never benefited before from a treatment with the right therapy to heal and correct the imbalances in her body and mind to equip her with the proper coping mechanisms to deal with stress.

She was given pills.

Pills she didn’t always take which make her episodes even worse.

I knew it was the start of a real psychotic break when I heard her screaming and crying out at the top of her lungs in the upstairs apartment.

Not yo regular screams.

Not your regular crying.

This sounded like a hellish torment that lackluster horror writers attempt but fail to accurately describe in their stories.

She then proceeded to take her epic tantrum outside where she went out in the middle of the street to scream and cry out:

“Im going to fucking kill somebody. I don’t care. I will fucking kill them” as she paced up and down the street bawling her eyes out and screaming blood curdling screams from the depths of darkness.

It then escalated to her stripping off her clothes — in the winter cold mind you — and continued to walk along the sidewalk of our street naked.

I was like: She really gonna have her pussy out here like dat?

But she didn’t care.

She was crying out for help cuz she didn’t know how to help herself.

After pacing and screaming through the streets — with some drivers slowing down to look but not stopping to ask if she needed help — she collected her clothes and ran back up in the house.

I thought it was over.

Till I heard the crashes above me in her apartment.

Then the crashes went down the stairwell.

She stomped her way back down the stairs and threw a chair out the front door.

I was afraid she was gonna fuck up the car my man was using cuz we had just told her we weren’t gonna share our wifi password before her episode started.

Plus she had been circling the car which made me nervous.

She only threw the chair out onto the street tho and kept ragin on naked and tormented.

But the screams only grew more concerning and I decided to do what I never do:

I called the cops.

They came at their leisure — 4 of them in two cars.

By the time they came she was already back upstairs raging on.

And they never got her the help I was hoping they would offer her.

Pretty sure they just sedated her with more drugs but she decided not to take them for long.

I know this cuz two days later she was back on her screaming and crying but then it was too cold to strip bare in the street.

She wasn’t completely crazy just seriously disturbed and misdiagnosed.

And if she had seriously hurt herself or somebody else I would have said the same thing:

Sue the parents.


TABITHA BLAIR is a code-switching Jamaican/Canadian SPIRITUAL ADVISOR/DREAM INTERPRETER/WRITER who was born n raised in Toronto, Canada.

If you would like to book a consultation for therapy, life advice, or dream interpretation — email me at the address below.

Email: tikifucius@yahoo.com




Jamaican/Canadian SPIRITUAL ADVISOR/DREAM INTERPRETER/WRITER who was born n raised in Toronto, Canada. Email tikifucius@yahoo.com to book a consultation.