Policing the Penis

What’s good for the goose is even better for the gander

Elaine Gilmartin
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


By Elaine Gilmartin

Kindel Media pixabay

I tend to watch the BBC for news these days, finding some reprieve from the incessant Biden-Trump cycle guaranteed to raise one’s blood pressure.

Not that the news is much cheerier across the pond. In just the span of a one-hour segment, one could see the decimation of the Palestinian people, the ravages of landmines left by fleeing Russian soldiers in Ukrainian fields, armed gangs roving and menacing a chaotic Haiti, an insane spike in sexual assaults of Panamanian migrants crossing the jungle, the Taliban reinstituting stoning women to death, the spiraling civil war in Sudan, with one interview showing a woman, naturally covered in head to toe, hiding with her kids in a shack as men roamed with guns, explaining to the news correspondent she has leukemia and hasn’t had access to chemo in about a year.

Then the BBC featured American politics in which people leaving a primary polling site were asked what drove them to vote as they did. One such person said they were voting ‘pro-life’ because of ‘morality.’

Morality. Just that one word. I would have asked that individual to define it.

Because you know what the common denominator is with the above stories? Men with guns. Not…



Elaine Gilmartin
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

A therapist by profession, a runner by passion, a writer by necessity.