Questions to Muslims — Part 1

On Dr. Zakir Naik’s explanations on polygamy only for men.

Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
6 min readOct 25, 2023


Image imagined by Midjourney and me

The following quotes are from Dr. Naik’s website aimed at “Creating a common platform for Muslims and non-Muslims to remove the misconceptions about Islam. Helping to overcome Islamophobia.”

  1. “ If you analyse the statistics, there are more than 30 million females in America, who can’t find husbands. In U.K. alone, there are more than 4 million females, as compared to males — Germany alone, there are more than 5 million females, more than male — Russia alone, there are more than 7 million more females, than the male. And almighty God alone knows, that how many millions females, are more in the world, than the males. If I agree with the customs, the religious Scriptures, put no upper limit — You marry as many as you want. If you believe into the customs of the other ways of life, that… You should marry only one — and if my sister happens to live in America, and suppose the market is saturated — every man has got a wife for himself. Yet, there will be 30 million females, who won’t be able to find husbands. If my sister happens to be one of those unfortunate ladies, who has got not married, living in America — the only option remaining for her is… she either marries a man who already has a wife, or become public property — There is no third option. And I have asked this question, to modest people… That what would you prefer for your sister?…Would you prefer your sister, marry a man who already has a wife, or become a public property.”

The words that stand out the most to me are “public property”. One starts thinking about public parks and public toilets. And public roads people walk on.

I think the word whore is kinder and fairer than public property. Whores can choose not to work when they don’t feel like it. And what’s wrong with selling your skills? That’s what we all do. Serve others so we get paid.

“All sex is commerce. If you don’t know that, you’re just being billed indirectly.” — Westworld.

Whores are more honest and direct about the price.

Females are more in number, hence polygamy for men only. The argument sounds smart, except it’s not.


Let’s talk about the unfortunate men who can’t find wives, owing to females being less in number at the moment. Should men be considered public property now? Do you think the rules of Islam should be changed to polygamy only for women considering the recent stats?

“That what would you prefer for your sister?”— Thank you for making me emotional by mentioning my sister. I was not thinking about her at all until you talked about her.

There is no third option.” — Yes, there is. Stay single. Way better than being public property, whatever that means.

2. “No Scripture says… Marry only one, except the Holy Qur’an. In fact, if you read the Scripture of the Christians, their saint Solomon, had hundreds of wives — Abraham had more than one wife…the Bible says, three wives. Even the Hindu Scriptures, they had several wives… the father of Rama… King Dashrata — he had more than one wife.The Holy Qur’an is the religious Scripture which says that…Marry only one. It says in Surah Nisa Ch. №4, V. №3, “Marry woman of your choice, in twos, threes or fours. But if you cannot do justice, marry only one”” “But you can marry, only if you can do justice. If you can’t do justice, marry only one.”

“My religion is wrong, but so is yours”; “I am wrong, but so is everybody else” are smart ways to argue, but it doesn’t make you right.

Let’s consider the statement:

“But you can marry, only if you can do justice. If you can’t do justice, marry only one.”

If I can’t do justice, why even try? Why not be unjust (because that’s all I can be) by marrying more than one?

And if I am just, more wives for me.

End of the day, whether I am just or not, I get more than one wife. Thank you, God, and Dr. Naik.

“Marry woman of your choice, in twos, threes or fours.”

Why isn’t the same choice given to women?

Check the title of the video: An Atheist vs Dr. Zakir Naik. The atheist clearly says his name: Harris, in the video. Obviously, his name doesn’t deserve as much respect as the Doctor’s name. Why mention his name when he pales in comparison to the wise doctor whom you and I should be listening to?

In the video above one of the questions Dr. Naik addresses is hell, and the omniscient God. If God is omniscient and not sadistic, why did he create humans when He knew some of them were going to end up in Hell?

Dr. Naik’s explanation starting at 4:30 —

“If a teacher takes an examination, if she’s just, while she’s giving the examination, she writes in the math paper two plus two is equal to how much. The student in front of her or him the teacher writes fire she can very well tell the student changed five to four. Would it be just on the teacher during the test and examination to correct a student who’s writing the wrong answer?”

The problem with the analogy is unlike the teacher, God is omniscient, and knows the student won’t get what He is trying to teach. And the omnipotent God did nothing to help the student understand better. Plus/minus, the student’s brain was a gift/curse from God.

It’s good to be just, but I like the system when humans get judged by peers better. When God didn’t bless us with the same intelligence as Himself, how can He expect us to follow His morals and principles?

One way to prove myself to be a fast runner is by competing and winning against a person with paralysed legs.

I had talked about this before. You may believe in veganism, and you may think you’re being empathetic by being a vegan, but expecting a kingfisher to hold the same standards as you is an absolute lack of empathy.

Here’s what a friend of mine, Rahima Armstrong, a Muslim, had to say on polygamy in Islam, which makes more sense to me than the doctor:

“In many chapters of the Holy Qur’an, God talks of “I made you into pairs”. So why people think polygamy is OK is beyond me. It also says in the Holy Qur’an “if you are just then marry 2,3 and4”. Now, why would God say many times throughout the Qur’an “I made you into pairs”, and then talk of polygamy as though God is confused? My conclusion to this is that Arabic can have many meanings and God was talking metaphorically about the four Chambers of the heart when He said “marry 2,3 and 4”. Because the 4 Chambers of the heart is enjoined, its married to one another.”



Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

⭐️ Editor of Follower Booster Hub, The Quantified World, Illumination Videos and Podcasts, and On God⭐️. I am one part of a whole. Nothing more. Nothing less.