Real Men Don’t Relinquish Their Testicles

The “Happy Wife, Happy Life" Advice is an Insult

Pers Writer
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJun 29, 2023


Photo by Adrien Gilbert on Unsplash

One of the most destructive things a man can do in a relationship is to apologize for his purpose. Many men have difficulty reconciling competing interests between work and love, so they err on the side of making their women happy at the expense of what fulfills them.

In order to prevent contention when women feel they must compete for their time and devotion, men with purpose should focus on giving her an accurate picture of himself from the beginning.

It’s important that men can speak intelligently and honestly about what they’re doing in the world and why they're doing it. In doing so, a man helps a woman to know what she is getting into.

Men need to be absolutely clear about their purpose. Lack of clarity in purpose opens the door to the wrong women.

“Happy Wife, Happy Life” is Insulting
Most men are taught to keep women happy and to fix their problems. But there will be times when women's comfort is beyond the reasonable intervention of men.

In this kind of situation, men should give women the dignity of experiencing their emotions without rushing in to rescue and without sacrificing a long-term good for some short-term relief. Men should learn to tolerate the discomfort of their women. They can survive it.

Sometimes our women are right, and we would be healthier if we scaled back our work commitments, but not to the point of damaging our sense of purpose.

If a man prioritizes his relationship over his highest purpose, he cheats his woman of an authentic man, disserves the universe, and weakens himself.

The time you spend with your woman should be the time you really want to be with her more than anything else. If you’d rather do something else, both of you will be dissatisfied.

The “happy wife, happy life" advice is insulting and horrible relationship advice. It is the opposite of the kind of compromise and cooperation that characterize healthy relationships.

You’ll resent her for controlling you, and she’ll resent you for being a patsy and denying her the best parts of yourself.

Of course, you want her to be happy, but not at your expense. Men should reject “happy wife, happy life" just as any self-respecting woman would reject it.

Real Men Should Have the Final Say
You should always listen to your woman, take everything she said into account and make your own decision based on your deepest and most intuitive knowledge. You are open to listening to others, but in the end, you will take responsibility for making your own decision.

You should always listen to your woman, take everything she said into account and make your own decision based on your deepest and most intuitive knowledge. You are open to listening to others, but in the end, you will take responsibility for making your own decision.

You may make the right decision or the wrong one, but whatever happens, there is no one else to blame. It is your best shot, and you will strengthen your capacity for future action.

When you choose to go with your woman’s suggestion even when deep in your heart you feel that another decision is more wise, you don’t trust your own wisdom. Why should your woman trust your wisdom if you don’t?

When you deny your deep truth to please your woman, everyone will feel your inauthenticity. They won’t trust you, since you don’t trust your own core intent. Your sense of inauthenticity will burden your capacity to act with clarity and your actions won’t jibe with your core.

Bear in mind that women are generally repulsed by men they manage to emasculate. Stop postponing your mission and denying your true purpose in order to spend time with your women.

When you notice yourself giving in to your woman, tell her that you love her but you can only spend a specific time with her in absolute attention. After that period of time, you must return to carry on your mission.

It’s easy to give up entirely on living a life of absolute commitment to truth, settling for the common life of absolute commitment to work, family, intimacy, and friends. Be careful not to substitute default responsibilities for true purposes.

You can only be a superior professional, father, husband, and friend when you are living these relationships as gifts given from your core, not as what’s left over because you don’t have the guts to discover your core impulse and live on its basis.



Pers Writer
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I pay attention to stuff most people are ignoring and synthesize them into written treasures.