Santa is Real

How to tell your kids the truth about Santa.

Dan Clark Comedy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


I have 5 kids and their ages are 15 Emma, 14 Eli, 10 Ethan, 9 Sophia, and 3 Harper. The topic of Santa is always so fun when they are young but when they hit a certain age it is inevitable that they will want to know the truth.

That age is a little different for every kid. Some ask as soon as 3–5 and some still believe in almost their teenage years. But like the birds and the bees conversation, at some point, every kid will want to know the truth.

Photo by Lukas:

Although I was hoping as I always do for more time with the magic my two middle kids are right at the age where they are wanting to know. It got me thinking again about the conversation I will need to have this year. Here is what I have found works best after having done it with 2 kids and 3 more to go.

Be Honest

When I say be honest that seems so simple but what I mean is be truly honest. For the first time, you are going to pull the curtain back and show them the magic. So show them and tell them about all the magic.

Tell them Santa is real, he just isn’t who you thought he was. Tell them The magic of Santa is real. It's just not the magic we have told you about.

Tell them every year around Christmas time the entire adult world agrees to make…



Dan Clark Comedy
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Medium Top Writer. I write and perform to help cope with my PTSD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, OCD, and mania. A man with an eclectic history and pov.