Gender & Sexism

Sexism and Inequality

The struggle for gender equality is the struggle for equality for all humanity


A Woman Thinker — Image by Nadja Golitschek from Pixabay

So… Dude slid into my DMs to message me, “inequality between genders is no longer a thing…” Dude included the assertions that he was “not trying to troll,” that “men are actually disadvantaged now,” and that he’s “just trying to be informed.”

Institutionalized sexism in action

  • Women in the Trump White House made 63¢ on the dollar that men were paid.
  • Until the ACA, women could be charged nearly double the cost that men were charged for healthcare — and that was BEFORE adding costs of pregnancy coverage.
  • It’s 2024 as I’m writing this. Yet, businesses and companies may STILL refuse to talk to wives unless definitively specified by their husbands.

Example: My husband and I have a loan together on our home; my name is on the title too. However, when the mortgage company called recently, they refused to speak to me beyond leaving a contact number and message for my husband. When I insisted they could talk to me, the representative on the phone said they would call back to speak with Hamid — then hung up on me.



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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