Show Paid Ads to Your Email Subscribers

You don’t have to find any sponsors! Let this newsletter company handle it for you

Hazel Paradise
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readMar 25, 2023


Photo by Mailchimp on Unsplash

Have you ever thought about having paid ads in your newsletter? One newsletter company will help you shows paid ads to your email subscribers!

We all know how important it is to have a newsletter for your business. It doesn’t matter what your niche is or how small your audience is, the newsletter is a must. If you are new, I have a detailed tutorial on Email marketing for your business. I wrote this from a writer’s point of view but this will be helpful to any business niche or micro-niche you are in. The method is the same.

What is email marketing?

This I have covered in the past article but let’s take it in short for those who are completely new here. I won’t give a definition. No one likes the formal Wikipedia definition. Let’s try to understand this in a simple practical form.

Collect emails from your audience and then send them offers and various products right in their inbox!

How does it sound? Send offers directly to your target audience!

Is email marketing dead?

I started email marketing a few months back and I am making profits even though I have a small email list now. So nope, email marketing is not dead and is not going to die even in the future. I pay more attention to email marketing than self-publishing nowadays and I think this explains a lot.

How to show paid ads in your newsletter?

Before revealing the secret let’s see what we normally do to get paid ads.

  1. Find a company with quality products in your niche.
  2. Send them a request for paid ads. This is hectic and chances are that — not many will accept your offer. Many conditions are involved in order to get accepted.
  3. If they agree (I said if) then agree on their terms and conditions which involves how much you will get paid. Bargaining is a must. You work hard to maintain an active email list. So bargain. If you are good at it then you can get a good amount of money. But honestly, most of us aren’t.

This will happen if someone agrees to pay you for promoting their products. In most cases, they won’t pay you and will tell you to do affiliate marketing for their products.

So what to do in such a case?

Let this company handle everything for you.

I was scrolling down my emails last night and got a message from my newsletter company.

Note — I use Beehiiv for my business.

Screenshot by author

This is just a small portion of the email. In this email, there is mentioned various ways we can make money from your newsletter.

Ways to make money from your email subscribers -

  1. Paid ads
  2. Digital products such as courses, ebooks
  3. Affiliate marketing
  4. Membership

But there is one more way that caught my attention and it was sponsor ads.

Beehiiv will help us find sponsors for our newsletter! This means more money with less work!

I was thinking of finding a sponsor (paid). But I have to admit - I am not really good at bargaining. Most just wanted me to use their products (which is good and completely agree for better conversion) and use affiliate marketing instead of paid promotion.

But when I failed at this, I completely stopped finding a sponsor for my business. But this email made my day.

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How good is this? Someone is out there who wants us to win!

Don’t have an email list yet for your business? I recommend Beehiiv which I use personally.

If you want to know more about making money on Fiverr, then you can check out my book “Small Ebooks, Big Money”. Happy Writing Journey!

*NOTE — this post contains affiliate links to some awesome products at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. You can type the product name manually on Google if you want. No worries! Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.