Slow is Smooth, and Smooth is Fast

The cliche that helps keep my ADHD “I could” brain at bay?

Liz H
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Midjourney’s interpretations of “slow is smooth and smooth is fast” prompted by me.

When I first heard this, it took me a minute to unravel and understand. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.

In essence, slow down, learn how to do it smoothly without mistakes, and then it’ll become second nature, and you’ll end up being able to do it fast.

This saying has popped up in my life recently, but apparently, according to Google, it traces its roots back to the military, particularly the Navy Seals, with whom I have precisely 0 other things in common.

Usually, phrases like this flit through my life like butterflies. They flitter around for a bit before flying away but this one has stayed with me.

It soothes my F1-racing brain. My constant need to learn everything, master everything, and be on top of everything all at once.

I think it’s stuck because it allows me to give myself grace and take time to stop and decide things like:

Is this an AHDH brain “I could” thing, or is this something I actually want to do?

For anyone not au fait with the “I could” part of ADHD, my particular brand makes me think “ I could” make, write, sew, create, do, learn, play, etc., whatever has just come across my field of…



Liz H
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Writer | Copywriter | Drinker of far too much coffee | Writes about anything and everything.